The Gingus Chronicles

Sunday, May 15, 2005


You may wonder, "What exactly are you talking about when you say the word 'gingus'?" Well, here is the answer.
I don't know.
Just kidding. Actually it came from Vanoss, where I went to school. By the way, if you don't know where Vanoss is, just go a couple of miles south of Gaar Corner and turn left at the half-eaten bale of hay. And there are no traffic lights because well, everyone that goes through Vanoss knows where they're going anyway. Anyway, back to Gingus... The word "gingus" was being thrown around in the high school between people. The word "gingus" is synomonous with words such as "ignoramous" or "stupid-head". Get it?
Anyway, I thought I'd try my hand at this blogging thing. Hopefully I'll have faithfull readers. I would enjoy all comments, whether they be gingus-like or encouraging thoughts. I want to hear all. I'll try to give updates on everything that I'm doing and stories of all my escapades or just any kind of capade. Until next time, gingus signing off.


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