he he! At peterbilt one summer our supervisor read this announcement that the whole plant had to hear. They asked that people stop standing on the toilet to go to the restroom. The cleaning crew kept on having to clean footprints off of the seat. This Asian guy working there in broken english said, "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM?" The supervisor said, "Um.. well keep doing what you have to do." It was funny as hell. I guess that is the way they do it.
Some say I'm like a tornado made of arms and teeth... and fingernails. I was introduced to the world in Ada, Oklahoma, on June 4, 1981. I got learned at Vanoss Public Schools and East Central University. I am 6'1/2" 180 lbs. I am a teacher slash coach.
I like thunderstorms, paintball, and paintball during a storm. Street? Yeah, I'm street.
he he! At peterbilt one summer our supervisor read this announcement that the whole plant had to hear. They asked that people stop standing on the toilet to go to the restroom. The cleaning crew kept on having to clean footprints off of the seat. This Asian guy working there in broken english said, "HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM?" The supervisor said, "Um.. well keep doing what you have to do."
It was funny as hell. I guess that is the way they do it.
the rocket, at Wed Sep 21, 07:11:00 PM 2005
Ed, how many times do I have to tell you to quit standing on the toilet to pee?
Coach K, at Wed Sep 21, 07:15:00 PM 2005
not enough!!!
the rocket, at Thu Sep 22, 09:08:00 AM 2005
Boys are icky.
Anonymous, at Thu Sep 22, 03:25:00 PM 2005
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