You say it's your birthday??????
Well, the old man is getting older this Saturday. Am I really turning 24? That seems impossible. I don't FEEL old. Do I look old? I feel like 20. 20 sounds good. I think I'll stay there. I don't drink, so it doesn't really matter. Wait. I take everything back. I will stay at the wonderfull age of 21. 21 will allow me to get into some places that otherwise I couldn't enter. No, I'm not talking about strip clubs. That's what my fake I'd would be for. Just kidding. Anyway, back to my birthday. I have no idea what I want. Not that I NEED anything. I just want to have a good time on my birthday. I've never really had a really good time on my previous birthdays. I always feel kinda depressed for some reason. Besides, as you get older, it seems like you get fewer and fewer presents. And the presents you get from your extended family seem to come in a "combo" setting. "Combo" presents are presents that a bunch of people tag their name to the card you get with the present taking partial credit for getting the present. It's like taking credit for the Big Salad when you didn't even buy it. I know Ed got that (suprise, it's a Seinfeld reference).
Anyway, enough about me.
I'm 24, I'm old, I'll get over it.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Anyway, enough about me.
I'm 24, I'm old, I'll get over it.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
enjoy 24 while it lasts... my time with 24 is almost over. We have the Senior Citizen discount to look foward to before too long. It'll be a sad day for us when the last of the main Seinfeld character dies.
the rocket, at Mon Jun 06, 01:36:00 PM 2005
I remember being least I think I can remember that far back :) Actually, I really do remember that birthday, because somewhere right around then, I decided that I really needed to grow up. Of course I have been working on it ever since and haven't accomplished much of it yet, but I do remember that was the birthday that hit me...I wasn't a "kid" anymore! Hah! Enjoy 24...and 25...and 26....etc. 50 will get you soon enough!
roz, at Mon Jun 06, 10:36:00 PM 2005
I wonder how much you've matured since you wrote this? just wonder that's all
Nichole, at Wed Jul 08, 05:50:00 PM 2009
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