Rock Enroll
The return of the youngins.
Today I am in charge of enrolling the 9th grade students. About half of them all came at 8 a.m. And of course I didn't know what I was doing at first. But I pulled it together. I enrolled me some students.But I was surprised to get internet access with my computer out here. I must be picking up the wireless connection from the iTV room. I'll take whatever I can get. So, I'm playing music, checking the email, and doing other things I'm probably not suppose to be doing. And no, I'm not talking about porn.
It's now around the 11 o'clock hour and most of the students have come and enrolled. The thing is that we are enrolling students all the way until 3 p.m. What am I to do until then? Here's a list of possible things for me to do:
- Run a muck.
- Play hall-Frisbee.
- Tell minority jokes to the corresponding minorities.
- Paint my classroom completely black and install black lights. Rave in my classroom!
- Walk up to some teachers and tell them quietly, "I saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico."
- Staring contest with the fish.
- Hack into the mainframe and hope that I don't get rerouted into Friendster.
- Use the bathroom even when I don't need to go.
- Stare at a wall.
- Compile a list of verbal assaults that I can use on my students.
- Finish building the Death Star.
And there you have it. That's my list of things to do until I have something to do that relates to my job. Some of these I may not get to... hopefully.... for the students and/or faculty's sake.
Alright, I'm going to do something else now.......
Don't forget about remembering something.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Ha ha ha.. Sounds like you have things all figured out.
Anonymous, at Tue Aug 08, 04:43:00 PM 2006
I like the Geico idea. It makes me laugh. But I'm also in a deliriously exhausted laughing state of mind. Anyways hope all is going well. Lata!
Anonymous, at Tue Aug 08, 08:25:00 PM 2006
I think you should show some new students and their parents around, and when they ask if you're a teacher there, say "well no, but i DID stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night."
Although parents hardly ever have a sense of humor. Parents just don't understand. Kick it, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince.
Amy, queen of the world., at Wed Aug 09, 11:53:00 PM 2006
So how did today go?
Anonymous, at Thu Aug 10, 10:26:00 PM 2006
If I remember correctly, I always forget to remember almost everything.
Nichole, at Fri Jul 17, 12:16:00 PM 2009
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