WalMart shirts and condoms
Some people like to go to Abercrombie and Finch and some like to go the Old Navy to buy shirts. I like to go to WalMart.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. My clothing preference is my own business.
I went to WalMart yesterday to buy a 5-quart "thing" of oil and after picking up the aformentioned item I strolled by the high quality selections of WalMart clothes. I thought to myself, "Hey, I don't have enough Faded Glory shirts."
So what did I do? I bought two of WalMart's finest. I was pleased with my newest purchase.
But why when I say that I get quite a bit of clothing from Sam's store that people give me the 'I think I'm better than you' look. Why is everbody so down on WalMart clothes? Just because of the affordable prices? Just because you can get a live lobster, condoms, a 50 lb. bag of cat food, and underwear all in the same store? This is multi-item discrimination!
I'm not ashamed of my shirt. That's all. No big deal.
Until next time. Vaya con Dios.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. My clothing preference is my own business.
I went to WalMart yesterday to buy a 5-quart "thing" of oil and after picking up the aformentioned item I strolled by the high quality selections of WalMart clothes. I thought to myself, "Hey, I don't have enough Faded Glory shirts."
So what did I do? I bought two of WalMart's finest. I was pleased with my newest purchase.
But why when I say that I get quite a bit of clothing from Sam's store that people give me the 'I think I'm better than you' look. Why is everbody so down on WalMart clothes? Just because of the affordable prices? Just because you can get a live lobster, condoms, a 50 lb. bag of cat food, and underwear all in the same store? This is multi-item discrimination!
I'm not ashamed of my shirt. That's all. No big deal.
Until next time. Vaya con Dios.
Yeah i think the spurs are unstoppable right now with all the things Ginobli is doing with the ball. And Duncan! My gosh the Duncan!
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:02:00 AM 2005
Is that how you spell Manu's name? Ginobli? Genobly? Who knows.
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:03:00 AM 2005
yeah i looked it up on to make sure it was right. I didn't want to look like an idiot... but now I look like one cause it shows I was doing research to post.
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:04:00 AM 2005
Well, that's because you are an idiot. I keed, I keed. You are an intelligent person............ for me to poop on.
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:05:00 AM 2005
speaking of idiots.. there was this guy that was double parked at walmart. Man what an idiot. He could be a rocket scientist, but he'd still be an idiot. You know what I mean?
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:06:00 AM 2005
On one hand he's smart because he's a rocket scientist. On the other hand he's an idiot because he double parked.
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:08:00 AM 2005
Hey Kent... if you are buying Wal-Mart shirts... trust me, you don't need to buy any condoms.
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:08:00 AM 2005
So, what's YOUR girlfriends name?
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:12:00 AM 2005
I don't have one... cause I too buy walmart shirts.
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:12:00 AM 2005
Not that there is anything wrong with that!
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:14:00 AM 2005
Do you think Paris Hilton is hot?
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:17:00 AM 2005
Man, she's had more bones buried in her than a St. Bernard's back yard!
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:18:00 AM 2005
There's really not a lot of black people on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:19:00 AM 2005
A lot of 'em want to be on the show. But Regis isn't asking the right questions.
Coach K, at Sat Jun 11, 01:20:00 AM 2005
He should ask them how many grams of crack cocain did Rick James smoke when he was making the album Super Freak?
the rocket, at Sat Jun 11, 01:21:00 AM 2005
ok break it up--anyway about your post Kent--I am sure you have made some 6 y/o Indonesian child who labored intensively on that shirt very happy! :)
tka821, at Sat Jun 11, 09:55:00 AM 2005
Coach K, at Sun Jun 12, 05:45:00 PM 2005
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