Oh so close to toast
I'm happy and slightly aggrivated. In my first "test" of the year in Techniques of Research (= loads of fun), I made a whopping 98. I know one person set the curve at zero (because they made 100%). I only missed one question. Dang it and woohoo at the same time. Well, I guess this was the best thing for me. If I made the 100, my fellow classmates would have given me the evil eye and general hatred. I don't exactly like that.
Okay, so I sub out at Vanoss sometimes. So here I am sitting at the teachers desk catching up on my Sooners Illustrated when all of a sudden this girl starts singing the "Yeah! Toast!" song. Now, I first heard of the song from the wondering bohemian herself thinking that it was only known to the Michigan area. Apparently I was wrong. And here I was thinking that kids didn't have enough culture...
And speaking of being a sub (eat fresh!), the other day I was subbing for a science teacher. I was about to call roll and so I wanted everybody to be quiet. So I said to them, "Alright! Everyone shut your pie-hole!" The kids were somewhat caught off guard by my command. I suppose not many of the other teachers say this. Oh well. But they did shut their yappper. Oh and one girl never calls me Mr. Qualls. She ALWAYS calls me Mr. Sub. New knickname? #$%@ no! I guess this means some of the kids are taking a liking to me. Isn't that good? Sure. You always see those t.v. shows where students absolutely abuse the substitute teacher. Not in this case. These students are for the most part pretty good. I'm sure there will be more "sub" stories to come. Stay tuned (I'm sure you are overjoyed about that).
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I wonder what a good nickname for me would be....
you should inspire your kids by forming a rock group and then have them enter a competition. You'll probably have to teach them all about Rock n' Roll & teach them how to stand up to the man. Meanwhile, you'll discover yourself.
the rocket, at Wed Oct 05, 09:36:00 AM 2005
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