"To know uh.... now who was it?"
Now what is the U.C.M's motto again? If memory serves me correctly it is, "To know Christ and to make Christ known." But how can this be? When some of the most active UCM'ers get drunk at a party AFTER A CONCERT HELD AT THE UCM (TRACE BUNDY), it makes me wonder if anyone knows what the motto is.
I talked to someone about it and they said, "Well, are you surprised?" And that made me think. To be honest, I'm not really that surprised. I'm upset and disappointed but not surprised. And to me that sounds sad to think that I'm not surprised at half of this "church" went to go get drunk at a fellow UCM'ers house. You may think it weird of my choice of the word 'church' in relation to the UCM. Yes, the UCM can be thought of as a church. The American Heritage Dictionary defines church as "the company of all christians regarded as a spiritual body" or as a "body of religious believers." Are we what these definitions say? Sure, no "church" is perfect. And neither is any "christian". But our actions is our greatest witness tool. Others see us (christians) and take note of how we act. Non-christians may have taken notice of last Thursday night and thought that is how all christians act. And then they follow suit. What kind of witness is that?
And to everyone who WILL get mad at me for writing this I know I am not perfect. I never said I was. Yes, I am a hypocrit. But who isn't? I know I have messed up in the past and WILL mess up in the future. But if you come at me telling me of all the things I've done then you are just wasting your time. This isn't about me. Don't notice your own faults and try to justify it by slamming me. It won't work.
All I'm saying is that something has to change. Rob stated it very well in one of his posts. The UCM isn't perfect and everyone would admit that. But to think that we could be "worshiping" (and I use that word very loosely) and hours later we talk and act like the rest of the world. What kind of witness is that?
We need to look at ourselves and reconsider what it means "To know Christ and to make Christ known." Because not only are we representing christians everywhere, we are also representing our church, the UCM.
I talked to someone about it and they said, "Well, are you surprised?" And that made me think. To be honest, I'm not really that surprised. I'm upset and disappointed but not surprised. And to me that sounds sad to think that I'm not surprised at half of this "church" went to go get drunk at a fellow UCM'ers house. You may think it weird of my choice of the word 'church' in relation to the UCM. Yes, the UCM can be thought of as a church. The American Heritage Dictionary defines church as "the company of all christians regarded as a spiritual body" or as a "body of religious believers." Are we what these definitions say? Sure, no "church" is perfect. And neither is any "christian". But our actions is our greatest witness tool. Others see us (christians) and take note of how we act. Non-christians may have taken notice of last Thursday night and thought that is how all christians act. And then they follow suit. What kind of witness is that?
And to everyone who WILL get mad at me for writing this I know I am not perfect. I never said I was. Yes, I am a hypocrit. But who isn't? I know I have messed up in the past and WILL mess up in the future. But if you come at me telling me of all the things I've done then you are just wasting your time. This isn't about me. Don't notice your own faults and try to justify it by slamming me. It won't work.
All I'm saying is that something has to change. Rob stated it very well in one of his posts. The UCM isn't perfect and everyone would admit that. But to think that we could be "worshiping" (and I use that word very loosely) and hours later we talk and act like the rest of the world. What kind of witness is that?
We need to look at ourselves and reconsider what it means "To know Christ and to make Christ known." Because not only are we representing christians everywhere, we are also representing our church, the UCM.
Wow! I don't know what to say but things like this do happen. However, you are doing the right thing by trying to be an example. By stepping up and voicing it that is a start. We can't control others actions but we can control our own actions. It is hard at times and frustration will be there but in times of turmoil it is always best to turn to God. My prayers are with you and UCM. I hope you have a great day.
Anonymous, at Wed Oct 26, 10:20:00 AM 2005
Umm... how many people would have known about it if you guys hadn't put it on the internet? Who tarnished the reputation of the UCM more?
Anonymous, at Tue Nov 01, 05:03:00 PM 2005
Matthew 18:15-17 talks about disagreements in the church. The first action to take is to talk to the person one-on-one. If that doesn't work, you should take one or two others and try again. If that doesn't work, then you should tell the church. Notice that none of these steps is to post it on the Internet without the person's knowledge or consent. You took a bad situation and made it horrible by acting irresponsibly. Just because a person or a group of people does something you don't like or you don't agree with doesn't give you the right to tell everyone without at least talking to them. You owe them an apology.
Anonymous, at Wed Nov 02, 01:52:00 AM 2005
let me just say....bullshit...no one at UCM is gonna lead the way on accountability. hasn't happened yet, don't expect it to any time soon. oh and by the way, why haven't you gone to the person (kent) who posted this blog yourself to say, "hey kent,i don't appreciate you blogging publicly what i want to do in secret because i no it's probably not the "christian" thing to do anyway...." lead the way on accountability yourself....or maybe all could do it together....doubt it, being bad is too much easier than attempting to be good...boy do i know about that...okay, my rantings are through....
Bryan Laramore, at Wed Nov 02, 09:52:00 PM 2005
Scott, at Thu Nov 03, 06:06:00 AM 2005
sounds like a tough situation there-has anything changed?-what more could be done?-what became of the relationships between UMC's members?-many more thoughts about these types of situations...perhaps I should share in person.
Nichole, at Fri Jul 10, 02:38:00 PM 2009
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