Back To The Future
Isn't it a wonder the difference a year makes? A day? A minute?
These questions came to mind after looking at several pictures taken roughly 9 years ago. I may have been a freshman or sophomore in high school. I think about the "friends" I had then... My dreams..... My goals in life.
I would love to go back and observe myself during those times. I'm sure I would laugh at myself (which is weird because I would be laughing at the other me... and not myself). I'm sure I would wonder why I did several dumb things. But now I wonder if I would tell the other me to change anything. Or warn myself about certain things. Am I a better person now because of the past? Or would I be better off being warned of the then-future?
Looking at those pictures also made me think how little us as humans know. At the time I was dating someone that I thought I would end up marrying. Yes, I know, I was only a sophomore in high school. But most of us are naive at that age. But at any age we think we have things figured out. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50.
This happens in relationships quite often. You are dating someone and you think you have found the one after a month or two. Sometimes that feeling is so strong. We never doubt it. But what usually happens? We get comfortable in the relationship or possibly change who we are because we don't want to lose that person. Eventually the "love" fades and we are left alone. All of the friends we turned our back on are gone because we ignored them. We go from having the world figured out to having our world turned inside-out. All of that can happen in a split second.
A bit dark, I know.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
These questions came to mind after looking at several pictures taken roughly 9 years ago. I may have been a freshman or sophomore in high school. I think about the "friends" I had then... My dreams..... My goals in life.
I would love to go back and observe myself during those times. I'm sure I would laugh at myself (which is weird because I would be laughing at the other me... and not myself). I'm sure I would wonder why I did several dumb things. But now I wonder if I would tell the other me to change anything. Or warn myself about certain things. Am I a better person now because of the past? Or would I be better off being warned of the then-future?
Looking at those pictures also made me think how little us as humans know. At the time I was dating someone that I thought I would end up marrying. Yes, I know, I was only a sophomore in high school. But most of us are naive at that age. But at any age we think we have things figured out. It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 50.
This happens in relationships quite often. You are dating someone and you think you have found the one after a month or two. Sometimes that feeling is so strong. We never doubt it. But what usually happens? We get comfortable in the relationship or possibly change who we are because we don't want to lose that person. Eventually the "love" fades and we are left alone. All of the friends we turned our back on are gone because we ignored them. We go from having the world figured out to having our world turned inside-out. All of that can happen in a split second.
A bit dark, I know.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
18ish years from now, who knows what kind of womb-inventions they'll have. I might look weird with a grown young man in my belly, though. At this rate, I really think he is waiting for college graduation to leave my tummy. I guess he didn't realize he was just a visitor on the inside of me.
High school is funny because, at the time, you REALLY think you know life and what it's all about. I find it quite amusing to look back and realize how much I didn't know.
Speaking of high school, I'm totally un-okay with my niece being in high school. Makes me beddybeddy sad. She's a year older now than I was when she was born. That weirds me out.
Amy, queen of the world., at Tue Aug 28, 12:13:00 PM 2007
yeahhh hi, I'm gonna have to go ahead and demand a new post from you... you see, my baby has stopped screaming for the first time pretty much all day, and I need something to read now. So if you could get right on that, that'll be greeeeat.
Amy, queen of the world., at Tue Sep 11, 02:09:00 PM 2007
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