How not to be invited back to a house in Dallas

Unfortunately, that was the only time during my stay that we could all get together. But we caught up on some old times and shared some new ones.
But, during that trip I really got to know one person much better as well as their family, who are awesome by the way. The room I stayed in had a big Texas Longhorns flag staring at me during my time there. So,... here's what me and my friend did:
We left on a Monday planning on enjoying a day at Six Flags. We still enjoyed ourself, but we did that without riding any coasters. You see, it rained pretty much the whole day. And when it rains, that means no rides. But I still enjoyed walking around with my peoples. It wasn't a total waste at all.
The rest of the week was spent hanging out with friends and family (although it wasn't MY family). I did learn two new games: 100 and chicken leg. But I got to meet some terrific people. My opinion of that part of Texas rose considerably.
There was a good quote to come from the trip:
Megan: There's a silver fire hydrant. I've never seen one of those before.
Me: Well, then you haven't lived, baby.
OK... perhaps you should have been there.
The real low point was leaving it all behind, with only memories to keep me happy. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.
The things I'll remember most about the trip:
- Late night talks.
- Shaved ice.
- Her grandparents.
- U-Turns, as well as getting lost all the time.
- Her cousin, aunt and uncle.
- Her.
- Zac and I laughing at Six Flags.
- Frantically looking at maps.
- Mathew practically worshipping me because of the NY Giants.
- Queen... and more Queen.
- Rain.
- 5 small glasses.
- Sleeping in.
- Many, many movies.
- Bubble paper and the loud noises it makes.
- Upside down hook'em.
- The back.
- Bryan, Whitney, and Ed.
- WHAT?? WHAT?? OKAY!! Yeeeahhhh!
- Don't tell her about my nervous habits.
- And finally, her.
Okay, this list could be much longer, but that just shows how much fun I had. Many memories were made. I just hope everybody else had a good time like I had.
Can't wait until the next roadie.... maybe soon...
Super happy for you! Super duper happy! Tis gonna be a good year for you, Coach.
Amy, queen of the world., at Sat Aug 04, 06:33:00 PM 2007
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