Until we meet again.... love you, Chelsea
A couple of days ago the Vanoss family lost a dear person. A young lady by the name of Chelsea was killed in a car accident in southern Oklahoma. I didn't have her in class but I did get the priveledge of knowing her. I also had her sister for basketball this year, who was one of the people who made it such a fun year for me. Chelsea was so full of life and made everyone around her smile. She just graduated just a couple of weeks ago.
I remember my graduating class. I've already lost a few of my classmates. But it just reminds you that nobody is invincible. When we are young we think that nothing bad like that could ever happen to us.
It hasn't really hit me yet. I think that when I go to the funeral and seeing everybody, then I will realize what happened.
Chelsea was in charge of some of the equipment during our basketball games. But she was a master at it.... but in a way that you wouldn't think. The girls would always get off the bus first followed by the boys. After the girls got off the bus, she would hand out pieces of equipment to the boys, one item at a time. By the time the last boy got off the bus there was nothing left to carry. She perfected this. This was just one of the fond memories I have of her.
If you read this, or myself, just remember that each day is a gift from God. We aren't here by chance. We are here for a purpose. Take advantage of the day. You never know when you will take your last breathe. Did you treat everybody with love?
Until next time..... vaya con Dios.
I remember my graduating class. I've already lost a few of my classmates. But it just reminds you that nobody is invincible. When we are young we think that nothing bad like that could ever happen to us.
It hasn't really hit me yet. I think that when I go to the funeral and seeing everybody, then I will realize what happened.
Chelsea was in charge of some of the equipment during our basketball games. But she was a master at it.... but in a way that you wouldn't think. The girls would always get off the bus first followed by the boys. After the girls got off the bus, she would hand out pieces of equipment to the boys, one item at a time. By the time the last boy got off the bus there was nothing left to carry. She perfected this. This was just one of the fond memories I have of her.
If you read this, or myself, just remember that each day is a gift from God. We aren't here by chance. We are here for a purpose. Take advantage of the day. You never know when you will take your last breathe. Did you treat everybody with love?
Until next time..... vaya con Dios.
I hate to hear this... I don't know the child at all, but as you know, my nieces go to Vanoss... they have lost more classmates/friends/acquaintences/people they've heard of from car accidents than anybody I've ever met. It scares me that Courtney (my oldest niece) will be DRIVING in a year and 1/2 when she gets her permit. I don't know if I'll survive just the worry. I'll be praying for Chelsea's family. If there's anything I can do at all, just let me know.
Amy, queen of the world., at Sat Jun 09, 01:49:00 PM 2007
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