The Gingus Chronicles

Monday, July 06, 2009

Sometimes I feel like, somebody's 'sploding me

Happy two days after the 4th of July. I hope your Independence Day festivities were enjoyable.

I'm not much of a firework fan. OK,... let me rephrase that.... I'm not much of a spending money on fireworks guy. I don't like the idea of spending a months check on sparklers and black cats. Obviously, I don't mind if others do and I get to sneak in on the action, but I can think of much better ways to spend my "hard earned" cash. Such as:

  • Video Games

  • Stuff

  • Food

  • More Stuff

Granted, some of these items aren't quite as explosive as fireworks, but they last longer... well, maybe not some foods in my house.

I came up with an idea for a firework design that demonstrates realistically what happens during a firework show. The firework is simple... it has all the basic firework parts. The fuse and the 'splosion innards. It looks just like a stack of money... and it blows up. So, it's like your money is going up in smoke. Isn't that what happens when you buy fireworks? Well, besides the blown-off fingers.

The firework may look like this:

And speaking of fireworks, I found out that throwing bottle rockets in the air before they take off is a bad idea. To make a short story shorter, my hearing hasn't come all the way back yet.

I've got nothing more to say, except...... until next time, vaya con Dios.


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