The Gingus Chronicles

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Leaves of 3, @#$% me...

I'll just say this... poison ivy sucks.

I think I've discovered "super" poison ivy.... or "ultra" whichever is worse. I decided to mow my fence line by my house and I guess this is where the super/extreme poison ivy latched on. It affected both of my legs and arms. It was by far the worst case I've ever had. My legs looked like I got into a fight with a cheese grater... and lost.

I finally went to the doctor about it. At that time I probably would have been ok if he would have suggested to amputate. But when he looked at the area for the first time he said, "Hmm... that's unusual." Now, this guy is a doctor... and I'm sure he's seen some things that I'll never want to even think about. But he looks at my leg like he's trying to figure out The Sixth Sense. It wasn't too comforting.

Anyway, he gave me some meds and now it's clearing up quite well. It now only looks like I got into a fight with a frying pan full of hot grease.


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