Go ahead, it's my fault.
My best day at The Home Depot to date. This woman comes in and pretty much blames me for all the stores problem. It was all I could do to not give her the deuce. So, go ahead! Blame me next time one of you has a problem. I'm used to it by now. Ed, whenever Notre Dame/Dallas Cowboys lose a game, blame me. Chris, whenever USC doesn't beat *enter team name here* by 50+ points, blame me.... my bad. Whenever any of you has a troubled relationship, point the finger at me, my fault. Bad grades? Me. Stormy weather? Talk to God, but he'll probably refer you to me later. When you drink something and it goes down the wrong pipe? Whoops! Didn't mean to, sorry. Slip and fall in the shower? Sue me, I made the water too slick.
You get the idea.
But, Home Depot mayhem won't last too much longer. September 2 is my last day.
But I just started? Why am I quiting so soon? What am I going to do now?
Why not? I couldn't stand being there. I would much rather look for something else. They are very understaffed out there and it seems they aren't doing anything about it. I have to pick up the slack for when others aren't there, and I might add I have to cover an area where I have no experience. So, when customers ask me a question, I either a: make something up, or b: tell them to ask someone else. I think my time could be best spent elsewhere. But it was a job wasn't it? Yes, but I'll cut my losses there. I'll find something else.
I totally believe that you should do what makes you happy. THIS wasn't the case for me. Yes, there will be problems with any job or profession you enter, but the question is: will you still be happy during the problem or whenever it gets solved?
So, please pray that God leads me in the right direction. I really need guidance here.
Oh, by the way, the Vanoss job isn't going to happen. The school didn't get the grant money. I was totally bummed when I found out.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
You get the idea.
But, Home Depot mayhem won't last too much longer. September 2 is my last day.
But I just started? Why am I quiting so soon? What am I going to do now?
Why not? I couldn't stand being there. I would much rather look for something else. They are very understaffed out there and it seems they aren't doing anything about it. I have to pick up the slack for when others aren't there, and I might add I have to cover an area where I have no experience. So, when customers ask me a question, I either a: make something up, or b: tell them to ask someone else. I think my time could be best spent elsewhere. But it was a job wasn't it? Yes, but I'll cut my losses there. I'll find something else.
I totally believe that you should do what makes you happy. THIS wasn't the case for me. Yes, there will be problems with any job or profession you enter, but the question is: will you still be happy during the problem or whenever it gets solved?
So, please pray that God leads me in the right direction. I really need guidance here.
Oh, by the way, the Vanoss job isn't going to happen. The school didn't get the grant money. I was totally bummed when I found out.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
It's your fault I had to move back to Denton. I blaim you! he he! Sorry to hear that Vanoss didn't work out. I wanted you to ask Miranda to help you with your math everyday. Anyways, I know something good will happen for you. Good luck with your search.
the rocket, at Sun Aug 21, 02:47:00 PM 2005
I completely agree. Don't waste your days doing something you hate. There's no price worth your peace of mind. I'm glad you can enjoy what you do now.
Nichole, at Thu Jul 09, 10:50:00 AM 2009
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