No more! Please!
Final post about Kentucky.... Dear God let's hope so.
Ed got Matt from Pennsylvania to believe that Oklahoman have never heard of Will Smith or the concept of high fives. Matt totally believed that Oklahoman were that ignorant to something such as a high five. Hilarious. But what exactly is a high five? What significance could two people hitting each others hands mean? How did it start? What if somebody had a bug on somebody's hand and his friend came along and whacked it with his own hand? Is that a plausible story? High fives......... What will they think of next?
The magnificent Ron
This guy named Ron (AKA Waterpark) totally ruined a good couple of hours worth of work one afternoon. We were working at the church we were doing bible school building a concrete sidewalk. It really needed one. Anyway, for anybody that ever done this kind of work knows that it takes a good while for prep work to be done. Framing with wood, stakes nailed down, leveling, digging dirt, reapplying some dirt, etc. Well, we were pretty close to being ready to start getting the concrete ready, when Ron came up and looked at our progress. He said, "You are gonna need some more stakes in the ground. That's not going to hold." He then proceeds to grab on to the framing and tears it from the ground. Several of us just stood there in complete disarray. We couldn't believe anybody would have done such a deed. After he left we voiced our disapproval only to ourselves until pastor Barry expressed his discontent for the aforementioned action. He said, "I could have punched the guy." Everybody thought that was hysterical. After those words were said, it was like God gave us the go-ahead to gripe. Good times..... Good times.
Intro to Secondhand Lions
On our trip back to the homeland, Ed and I thought it would be cool to watch a movie to pass the time. We decided on Secondhand Lions. I've already seen the movie and recommended it for our viewing pleasure. We could have watched Radio, for I've never seen it. For Ed's pleasure, I decided we would watch something that he'd never seen.
So, we get several minutes into the movie before I find myself falling asleep. Eventually Ed and I are awake at the same time and find the the movie was turned off during our period of unconscious. We decided that we would try to finish the movie and rewind to the part that Ed remembered last. We kept rewinding and rewinding and rewinding. We found out the Ed had only watched about 5 minutes into it. Way to stay awake for a movie that I PICKED! We never finished the movie. We had to keep Bryan awake for the remainder of the drive home. We figured it would be nice to have all of our limbs and organs functional when we get back home.
iPod... get your own.
Speaking of Bryan, his fiancee', Whitney, needs to get herself an iPod. She kept asking me every other second if she could see my iPod for a second. Of course, it was all a joke. She does a good joey impression of asking about my iPod. Bryan, birthday present idea!
Some of my favorite times during the whole trip was talking to Bryan and Ed late at night. We would discuss everything from current events to Bryan's signature of Barry Sanders. Is it really somebody's signature when all they do is initial and receipt?
The letter "Z" and Mr. Death
Has anybody ever thought of dressing up as the grim reaper and visiting a nursing home? I made such a comment while visiting such a place. Of course I didn't say it TO them.... Just behind their back. You know nothing special.
Has anybody ever heard pip snore? Here's a tip: make sure you go to sleep before he does. If you don't you might as well stay up all night. No sleeping for you. Or just invest in some NyQuil. Pip, you might want to invest in the strips you put on your nose, bud. For you and all of us.
And last but not least... taking a shower
In Kentucky, all you need to take a shower is running, water, pliers, and flip flops. Without water its pretty much pointless. Without pliers there is no way to turn the cold knob of the shower on. Without flip flops then you are sure to get some kind of disease on your feet. Gross.
Did you know I know all the words to It's The End of The World As We Know It by R.E.M? Pretty impressive, huh?
That's all.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Ed got Matt from Pennsylvania to believe that Oklahoman have never heard of Will Smith or the concept of high fives. Matt totally believed that Oklahoman were that ignorant to something such as a high five. Hilarious. But what exactly is a high five? What significance could two people hitting each others hands mean? How did it start? What if somebody had a bug on somebody's hand and his friend came along and whacked it with his own hand? Is that a plausible story? High fives......... What will they think of next?
The magnificent Ron
This guy named Ron (AKA Waterpark) totally ruined a good couple of hours worth of work one afternoon. We were working at the church we were doing bible school building a concrete sidewalk. It really needed one. Anyway, for anybody that ever done this kind of work knows that it takes a good while for prep work to be done. Framing with wood, stakes nailed down, leveling, digging dirt, reapplying some dirt, etc. Well, we were pretty close to being ready to start getting the concrete ready, when Ron came up and looked at our progress. He said, "You are gonna need some more stakes in the ground. That's not going to hold." He then proceeds to grab on to the framing and tears it from the ground. Several of us just stood there in complete disarray. We couldn't believe anybody would have done such a deed. After he left we voiced our disapproval only to ourselves until pastor Barry expressed his discontent for the aforementioned action. He said, "I could have punched the guy." Everybody thought that was hysterical. After those words were said, it was like God gave us the go-ahead to gripe. Good times..... Good times.
Intro to Secondhand Lions
On our trip back to the homeland, Ed and I thought it would be cool to watch a movie to pass the time. We decided on Secondhand Lions. I've already seen the movie and recommended it for our viewing pleasure. We could have watched Radio, for I've never seen it. For Ed's pleasure, I decided we would watch something that he'd never seen.
So, we get several minutes into the movie before I find myself falling asleep. Eventually Ed and I are awake at the same time and find the the movie was turned off during our period of unconscious. We decided that we would try to finish the movie and rewind to the part that Ed remembered last. We kept rewinding and rewinding and rewinding. We found out the Ed had only watched about 5 minutes into it. Way to stay awake for a movie that I PICKED! We never finished the movie. We had to keep Bryan awake for the remainder of the drive home. We figured it would be nice to have all of our limbs and organs functional when we get back home.
iPod... get your own.
Speaking of Bryan, his fiancee', Whitney, needs to get herself an iPod. She kept asking me every other second if she could see my iPod for a second. Of course, it was all a joke. She does a good joey impression of asking about my iPod. Bryan, birthday present idea!
Some of my favorite times during the whole trip was talking to Bryan and Ed late at night. We would discuss everything from current events to Bryan's signature of Barry Sanders. Is it really somebody's signature when all they do is initial and receipt?
The letter "Z" and Mr. Death
Has anybody ever thought of dressing up as the grim reaper and visiting a nursing home? I made such a comment while visiting such a place. Of course I didn't say it TO them.... Just behind their back. You know nothing special.
Has anybody ever heard pip snore? Here's a tip: make sure you go to sleep before he does. If you don't you might as well stay up all night. No sleeping for you. Or just invest in some NyQuil. Pip, you might want to invest in the strips you put on your nose, bud. For you and all of us.
And last but not least... taking a shower
In Kentucky, all you need to take a shower is running, water, pliers, and flip flops. Without water its pretty much pointless. Without pliers there is no way to turn the cold knob of the shower on. Without flip flops then you are sure to get some kind of disease on your feet. Gross.
Did you know I know all the words to It's The End of The World As We Know It by R.E.M? Pretty impressive, huh?
That's all.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Good blog! I enjoyed reading it. I'm so glad we got to go to Kentucky. Sorry I fell asleep during the movie.
the rocket, at Mon Jul 25, 09:49:00 AM 2005
you know, i don't remember any of you guys talkin to B.S.! oh yeah that's right, none of you did. listen, if all i got was some crappy initials from the guy, it was still worth him saying, "ughh, yeah!" in a rude "i'm too good for this" kind of tone!!!!! If he woulda asked for my Herbie Hancock, i'da told him, "No! cause it's John Hancock you idiot!"
Bryan Laramore, at Mon Jul 25, 03:58:00 PM 2005
Meg you don't watch a radio you listen to it. Could you be more realistic.
the rocket, at Tue Jul 26, 09:34:00 AM 2005
Everybody must love Ed a lot more than me. He has 10 comments and I have 5! Either people hate me twice as much or love me half as much as Ed. Woe is me... woe is me!!!!
Coach K, at Wed Jul 27, 09:14:00 PM 2005
people must love kent than me he has 17 comments on his post..... see you and chris are more popular than me.
the rocket, at Tue Aug 02, 02:35:00 PM 2005
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