Adam Sandler sang about this...
Greetings and salutations, one and all. Turkey Day is upon us once again. Mashed potatoes. Green beans. Stuffing. Turkey. Can-shaped cranberry sauce. Weird uncle who always thinks you'll be amazed when you pull his finger. And for some, this is when the Christmas tree gets put up. Me? I like to leave milk out for a few months and let the mold get a few feet high and then put a few ornaments on them and sprinkle some lights on there. Bryan gave me that tip. Thanks Bryan, for you are truly a fungus amoung us.
Today was the big Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the United Campus Ministry. It pretty much started last night around 7 p.m. We stayed up until 1 a.m. making jello (which never got served), chopping up potatoes with Aaron. We cut up a butt-load of potatoes.
*SIDE NOTE* Buttload- equal to or exceeding a large quantity.
OK. Now you know what "buttload" is. Consider yourself an informed individual. You're welcome.
Ed may come down later this week. Can't wait to see my favorite non-spanish speaking Hispanic descended Catholic male originally from the state of Texas. Can't wait until your arrival my brother from another mother.
Okay, my post from a few days ago seemed kinda crappy, didn't it? That stemmed from a day in which MY TEAM (Oklahoma U.) lost in the most crappy manor on top of a lot of things coming together at once. It made for an unpleasant evening. But all of us go through that kinda stuff once in a while, right?
Oh man! Lost is on tonight! Have I mentioned how much that show rocks? Oh,... i guess I have.... sorry. But I can't help it. So shutty.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Today was the big Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the United Campus Ministry. It pretty much started last night around 7 p.m. We stayed up until 1 a.m. making jello (which never got served), chopping up potatoes with Aaron. We cut up a butt-load of potatoes.
*SIDE NOTE* Buttload- equal to or exceeding a large quantity.
OK. Now you know what "buttload" is. Consider yourself an informed individual. You're welcome.
Ed may come down later this week. Can't wait to see my favorite non-spanish speaking Hispanic descended Catholic male originally from the state of Texas. Can't wait until your arrival my brother from another mother.
Okay, my post from a few days ago seemed kinda crappy, didn't it? That stemmed from a day in which MY TEAM (Oklahoma U.) lost in the most crappy manor on top of a lot of things coming together at once. It made for an unpleasant evening. But all of us go through that kinda stuff once in a while, right?
Oh man! Lost is on tonight! Have I mentioned how much that show rocks? Oh,... i guess I have.... sorry. But I can't help it. So shutty.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I like the way I work it! No diggity!
Coach K, at Wed Nov 23, 07:24:00 PM 2005
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