The Gingus Chronicles

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Adam Sandler sang about this...

Greetings and salutations, one and all. Turkey Day is upon us once again. Mashed potatoes. Green beans. Stuffing. Turkey. Can-shaped cranberry sauce. Weird uncle who always thinks you'll be amazed when you pull his finger. And for some, this is when the Christmas tree gets put up. Me? I like to leave milk out for a few months and let the mold get a few feet high and then put a few ornaments on them and sprinkle some lights on there. Bryan gave me that tip. Thanks Bryan, for you are truly a fungus amoung us.

Today was the big Thanksgiving dinner hosted by the United Campus Ministry. It pretty much started last night around 7 p.m. We stayed up until 1 a.m. making jello (which never got served), chopping up potatoes with Aaron. We cut up a butt-load of potatoes.
*SIDE NOTE* Buttload- equal to or exceeding a large quantity.
OK. Now you know what "buttload" is. Consider yourself an informed individual. You're welcome.

Ed may come down later this week. Can't wait to see my favorite non-spanish speaking Hispanic descended Catholic male originally from the state of Texas. Can't wait until your arrival my brother from another mother.

Okay, my post from a few days ago seemed kinda crappy, didn't it? That stemmed from a day in which MY TEAM (Oklahoma U.) lost in the most crappy manor on top of a lot of things coming together at once. It made for an unpleasant evening. But all of us go through that kinda stuff once in a while, right?

Oh man! Lost is on tonight! Have I mentioned how much that show rocks? Oh,... i guess I have.... sorry. But I can't help it. So shutty.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.



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