History DOES repeat itself
anonymous said:
Matthew 18:15-17 talks about disagreements in the church. The first action to take is to talk to the person one-on-one. If that doesn't work, you should take one or two others and try again. If that doesn't work, then you should tell the church. Notice that none of these steps is to post it on the Internet without the person's knowledge or consent. You took a bad situation and made it horrible by acting irresponsibly. Just because a person or a group of people does something you don't like or you don't agree with doesn't give you the right to tell everyone without at least talking to them. You owe them an apology.
Wed Nov 02, 01:52:57 AM 2005
I wasn't aware of the proper protocol of posting stuff on the internet. But I'm glad that you enlightened me. Apparently I have to have people's consent or the knowledge of these particular people so I can proceed about MY BLOG. But aren't you posting something on the internet about something I did? Without my knowledge or consent? How come you didn't come to me, in private, and talk to me about this? Yes, I was guilty of this crime but you can't point the finger at me without pointing it right back at you.
I'll give you that fact you are right about confronting a brother or sister in Christ. And no, I didn't do what you suggested. Maybe I should have. But I didn't see you come up to me and talk to me about this whole thing before you posted a comment. You should read Matthew 18:15-17. It might help.
So, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous, why hide the name? What point does that serve? It's easy to say anything without your name tattooed on it.
Here's another comment:
Anonymous said...
Umm... how many people would have known about it if you guys hadn't put it on the internet? Who tarnished the reputation of the UCM more?
Tue Nov 01, 05:03:02 PM 2005
Are we missing the point? Since when did I become the enemy? My intentions weren't to slam any particular person or group. If I was trying to "Tarnish" the reputation of anybody I would have used names. Example: Last night Steven really was a butt.
Besides, people knew beforehand. Just because I wrote something about it on the internet doesn't mean people won't find out around here.
It also sounds like you are justifying your actions by attacking me. Hmmmm..... that sounds so familiar........ That's right... I said that very same thing in the post you commented about. I wrote:
"And to everyone who WILL get mad at me for writing this I know I am not perfect. I never said I was. Yes, I am a hypocrite. But who isn't? I know I have messed up in the past and WILL mess up in the future. But if you come at me telling me of all the things I've done then you are just wasting your time. This isn't about me. Don't notice your own faults and try to justify it by slamming me. It won't work."
My point to writing that whole thing, if you actually read it all, was:
"All I'm saying is that something has to change. Rob stated it very well in one of his posts. The UCM isn't perfect and everyone would admit that. But to think that we could be "worshiping" (and I use that word very loosely) and hours later we talk and act like the rest of the world. What kind of witness is that?"
If you took it as me slamming you, then I apologize. It was not my intention. I was calling out the UCM. And guess what?! I'm a part of that group. So, I'm ripping myself. Does that make it better? Are you happy now? We all have to watch ourselves. We are suppose to be a light of the world. To be separate from the world. We've seen those around the block who are passed out on their lawn past midnight. We (notice I said "WE") are no better than them. But shouldn't we hate the things they do? If we honestly hate it, then why are we doing the same things they do?
If you want to be mad at me for posting a reader's digest version of what happened that one Thursday night, then go ahead. I'm sorry for not going to each one of you and telling you that I didn't agree with what took place. Honestly, I didn't think it would matter. But that's my mistake. I admit it.
May the grace of God be with us always. Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Hey, thanks for the comment over at my blog. It's nice to know that somebody is seeing that thing. I will definitely make a point of checking yours on a regular basis. The post you made on Halloween pretty much sealed the deal on that one.
Also, I don't mean to be an advertisement whore or anything, but you might want to give www.sev-x.com a look. I co-own and -operate it with a few friends of mine, and we're always happy to have new members on the forums. And if you cared to write an article or two, that'd be pretty freakin' sweet.
Anyway, God Bless, and here's to... um... something... a glass of egg nog, perhaps.
Ben, at Thu Nov 03, 12:01:00 AM 2005
I first of all I reallly don't have a problem of what was done by the people drinking. If people are old enough and they were not at the UCM and being responsible, I wouldn't have thought anything of it. I just wanted to let you know what my opinions are before I defend my buddy Kent.
Kent has the right to put whatever he wants to on his blog. If you don't like it... don't read it. If Kent doesn't like the idea of drinking after worship, he should be there drinking. Obviously his views are different on drinking in general, and certainly the time is probably what offended him more.
As far as Kent coming up to the one and bringing it up as a friend...yeah he could've done that... Kent wasn't telling people what their sins were, he was voicing a displeasure he saw at the UCM. Kent used a very effective and non-confrontational way of getting his thoughts across w/o using names.
That is just my opinion. Thought I'd weigh it in for whoever gives a crap!
the rocket, at Thu Nov 03, 12:50:00 PM 2005
i meant to say he shouldn't be there drinking... instead of he should. DOH!
the rocket, at Thu Nov 03, 12:51:00 PM 2005
let's face it, the bottom line here is this: it's easier, more fun, more exciting, feels better, seems better, and whatever else to just live our lives trying to get laid, boosing up, smoking what the crap ever, doing whatever and whoever at whatever time their willing to drop their pants, and thinking whatever, saying whatever and doing all this without first considering what the Word says. Oh and on that, you know what sucks!?!?! There is no standard for anyone anywhere....Kent thinks one thing that opposes what Wiley thinks which is the opposite of what Big Purd thinks which contradicts what Spencer thinks which "screams in the face" of what Beach thinks which has nothing to do with what Whitney thinks which is once again the opposite of what Sheridan thinks. And what Sheridan thinks doesn't matter because it isn't what Peircy thinks but it is what Lauren thinks only not really cause what she thinks is retarded to Rob but what he thinks is useless to me which is not at all helpful to what Thomas thinks cause he disagrees with that as well as what John thinks but that offends Aaron which will tend to also offend Amy, but that's not all....it pisses of Megan cause that splits what she thinks about this or that which infringes on what Brett thinks, in turn separating every body from everyone leaving no one on the same page as anyone else. there is ONE exception to all of this madness, one common denominator, we're all pretty damn fake about all of it. Darn, and to think i wasted all these words on a blog COMMENT not a post....daag...is there a point to all this? Figure it out
Bryan Laramore, at Thu Nov 03, 03:03:00 PM 2005
I realize that people weren't at the ucm drinking. I also know it wasn't a ucm "event". I just displeases me that people praise God at 9 p.m. and at 11 p.m. they are throwing back their 4th beer on their way to their 10th. And at midnight they are so wasted they can't drive. At 1 a.m. some are either throwing up or passed out in their own hurl. Did I say that everyone at the party got faced? No, and if I did I apologize for the generalization.
I know my views are different from a lot of people on drinking. In case you didn't know I am zero tolerant. I personally can't see the fun in getting trashed and passing out and waking up God knows where. I would rather have "fun" in a lot of different ways. But that's my opinion.
I was trying to get across that our witness (our personal witness and the ucm's witness) could possibly be hurt.
And now, let the trashing of my opinion proceed...
Coach K, at Thu Nov 03, 03:16:00 PM 2005
It's because of these stupid anonomous comments that I had to turn off the anonymous comments thing.
Coach K, at Sat Nov 05, 12:12:00 AM 2005
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