That fat bear makes me happy
For some reason I have been on this kick to retrace my entertainment roots. Just a blog post or two ago I mentioned something about Beakman's World. It was entertaining yet educational. Now there are many more shows and programs that I watched as a younger human being that I have "rediscovered". For instance, does anybody remember Duck Tales?
Oh man, Duck Tales was awesome. I always wanted to have a money bin. Well, as long as it had a lot of money in it. Another show was Chip N' Dale's Rescue Rangers. I loved the rat dude that loved cheese. What was his name....? Anybody? Monterey Jack, I believe. Yeah, that's the ticket. Then you have that fly thing,.. Zipper. And that mouse chick that everybody was after, Gadget. She was definetly a "mouse hottie".
What else....? Oh yeah! Darkwing Duck. What's the deal with Disney shows and ducks? Well, anyway, it was a good show, nonetheless. I remember that I liked this show but right now I don't remember a lot about it.
And finally, and probably my favorite of them all, Tale Spin. That chubby bear and his mechanic, Wildcat, made me laugh. And Baloo's boss? Ms. Cunningham? Yeah, she was a hottie for a non-human cartoon. Yeah, maybe I shouldn't have said that. 
Enough about long and most forgotten Disney cartoons. Now I'm at a friends house watching "Kicking and Screaming". And you know the best part? I GOT INVITED!! Yeah, that's right. You heard me right Elizabeth! I GOT INVITED! It wasn't the fact that I got invited to this particular place and by whom, it was that I simply got invited. Yeah, it may not be a big deal but I hate feeling like and outsider. I want to fit in. But not in a way where I would violate my ethical values. No sir. There had been plenty of times where I could have went out drinking with people in high school and in college. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to be wanted. That makes sense doesn't it?
Random thought of the day: Does everybody in China think that all Americans look alike?

Enough about long and most forgotten Disney cartoons. Now I'm at a friends house watching "Kicking and Screaming". And you know the best part? I GOT INVITED!! Yeah, that's right. You heard me right Elizabeth! I GOT INVITED! It wasn't the fact that I got invited to this particular place and by whom, it was that I simply got invited. Yeah, it may not be a big deal but I hate feeling like and outsider. I want to fit in. But not in a way where I would violate my ethical values. No sir. There had been plenty of times where I could have went out drinking with people in high school and in college. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to be wanted. That makes sense doesn't it?
Random thought of the day: Does everybody in China think that all Americans look alike?
I remember Darkwing Duck. I watched it at my Nana's and she got all upset, saying it was 'of the devil' I had to stop watching it after that.
Anonymous, at Sat Dec 17, 12:31:00 PM 2005
Darkwing Duck is NOT of the devil! I can't hear talk like that anymore. In fact, I'm going to go watch Darkwing Duck and perform a duck sacrife while giving praise to Satan.
Coach K, at Sun Dec 18, 12:53:00 PM 2005
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