Big 5 Bowling
Yes, it's has certainly been a while since the last Big 5 meeting (if anyone cares). But I hear that the fab five has recently gone bowling to The Laser Zone.
So, without further ado, here is The Big 5 Bowling:
The Big 5 approaches the doors entering The Laser Zone...
Kent: Jesus! It's cold! Two belly buttons, guys! Two belly buttons!
Jesus: Oh yeah! It's dank in the atmospheric temperature.
Ed: (singing) Friends will be friends. When you're in need of love they give you care and attention. Friends will be friends!
Pope John Paul II: For the love of Jesus' dad, shut up! (They arrive in front of the shut doors of The Laser Zone entrance)
Jesus: Hey guys, check this out! (Jesus motions his arms outward making the doors open supernaturally). My Jedi powers! Whadya think?
Seinfeld: What's the deal with Yoda?
Jesus: Just kidding. Moses taught me that trick during last years Super Bowl party. It was a heaven of a good time, let me tell thee.
(Everyone enters and goes to the counter where you purchase the games of bowling)
Ed: Yeah, we'd each like a single game of bowling, please. And, uh, the guy in the back will be paying for it. (Ed points toward Jesus).
Kent: (Singing) Jesus paid it all. All to him I owe...
Jesus: Just put it on my Master card.
(Everybody gets their shoes and heads toward lane 7)
PJP2: So, who should go first?
Jesus: I should go first. Like I said before in my most recent best seller, The Bible, "Follow Me".
Ed: Dang it! He always acts like He's "Mr. Perfect" or something.
(Everybody gets a bowling ball and prepares to bowl. Jesus is about to bowl His first ball.)
Jesus: (Thinking) Alright, Dad. If you help me win I promise to clean my room.
Pope: Hey guys. Do we really have a chance? I mean, He is God and all. And he's always bowled a 300. He's perfect.
Kent: We should do something to mess Him up. You know... to see if He's really good.
Seinfeld: Isn't there something wrong with that?
Ed: Nah, you should hear him make his computer make fun of people. THAT is wrong. This is nothing. You can mess with Him first, Jerry.
Seinfeld: But I don't WANNA mess with Jesus!
Kent: Pansy. I'll do it.
(Kent ponders then thinks of a good idea.)
Kent: Hey, Jesus! Satan just called and said he wrecked your Honda! What do you want me to say to him?
(The comment startles Jesus as he hurls the bowling ball down the lane. It goes in the gutter.)
Jesus: Ah! That's foul! You are totally going to Hell.
(Everybody laughs, except Kent, who is scared for his life now.)
(It's the last frame before the 10th and final frame and it's Ed's turn. Everybody's score is very close to one another. Ed rises up and grabs his bowling ball.)
Ed: My turn! Sweet. (Ed bowls. It's a strike.) Ah! What up, Jesus? Who's the man? There's no way you can come back now.
Jesus: Oh ye of little faith and intelligence. Prepare ye the way. (Jesus rises from his throne, grabs his bowling ball and bowls 3 strikes in a row.) It's a chicken!
PJP2: Uh.... Jesus? I believe it's called a "turkey".
Seinfeld: What's the deal with the little red thing on their face? (Everybody pauses and gives Seinfeld a blank look). What's everyone looking at?
(Everyone else bowls and nobody can reach Jesus' score of 301.)
Kent: Man, I got last, again. And how in the world did Jesus get a score of OVER 300?
Jesus: Hey, miracles happen.
(Everyone leaves while Seinfeld is trailing behind)
Seinfeld: What's the deal with airplane peanuts? What's the deal with leather jackets? What's the deal with........
So, without further ado, here is The Big 5 Bowling:
The Big 5 approaches the doors entering The Laser Zone...
Kent: Jesus! It's cold! Two belly buttons, guys! Two belly buttons!
Jesus: Oh yeah! It's dank in the atmospheric temperature.
Ed: (singing) Friends will be friends. When you're in need of love they give you care and attention. Friends will be friends!
Pope John Paul II: For the love of Jesus' dad, shut up! (They arrive in front of the shut doors of The Laser Zone entrance)
Jesus: Hey guys, check this out! (Jesus motions his arms outward making the doors open supernaturally). My Jedi powers! Whadya think?
Seinfeld: What's the deal with Yoda?
Jesus: Just kidding. Moses taught me that trick during last years Super Bowl party. It was a heaven of a good time, let me tell thee.
(Everyone enters and goes to the counter where you purchase the games of bowling)
Ed: Yeah, we'd each like a single game of bowling, please. And, uh, the guy in the back will be paying for it. (Ed points toward Jesus).
Kent: (Singing) Jesus paid it all. All to him I owe...
Jesus: Just put it on my Master card.
(Everybody gets their shoes and heads toward lane 7)
PJP2: So, who should go first?
Jesus: I should go first. Like I said before in my most recent best seller, The Bible, "Follow Me".
Ed: Dang it! He always acts like He's "Mr. Perfect" or something.
(Everybody gets a bowling ball and prepares to bowl. Jesus is about to bowl His first ball.)
Jesus: (Thinking) Alright, Dad. If you help me win I promise to clean my room.
Pope: Hey guys. Do we really have a chance? I mean, He is God and all. And he's always bowled a 300. He's perfect.
Kent: We should do something to mess Him up. You know... to see if He's really good.
Seinfeld: Isn't there something wrong with that?
Ed: Nah, you should hear him make his computer make fun of people. THAT is wrong. This is nothing. You can mess with Him first, Jerry.
Seinfeld: But I don't WANNA mess with Jesus!
Kent: Pansy. I'll do it.
(Kent ponders then thinks of a good idea.)
Kent: Hey, Jesus! Satan just called and said he wrecked your Honda! What do you want me to say to him?
(The comment startles Jesus as he hurls the bowling ball down the lane. It goes in the gutter.)
Jesus: Ah! That's foul! You are totally going to Hell.
(Everybody laughs, except Kent, who is scared for his life now.)
(It's the last frame before the 10th and final frame and it's Ed's turn. Everybody's score is very close to one another. Ed rises up and grabs his bowling ball.)
Ed: My turn! Sweet. (Ed bowls. It's a strike.) Ah! What up, Jesus? Who's the man? There's no way you can come back now.
Jesus: Oh ye of little faith and intelligence. Prepare ye the way. (Jesus rises from his throne, grabs his bowling ball and bowls 3 strikes in a row.) It's a chicken!
PJP2: Uh.... Jesus? I believe it's called a "turkey".
Seinfeld: What's the deal with the little red thing on their face? (Everybody pauses and gives Seinfeld a blank look). What's everyone looking at?
(Everyone else bowls and nobody can reach Jesus' score of 301.)
Kent: Man, I got last, again. And how in the world did Jesus get a score of OVER 300?
Jesus: Hey, miracles happen.
(Everyone leaves while Seinfeld is trailing behind)
Seinfeld: What's the deal with airplane peanuts? What's the deal with leather jackets? What's the deal with........
That was a nice study break! Thanks for the laughs!
Anonymous, at Sat Dec 10, 03:25:00 PM 2005
You are cooler than Cheerios dude
Anonymous, at Sun Dec 11, 01:35:00 AM 2005
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