Dr. Ed
Today, Ed called. He said he's coming for a visit on Friday and leaving the next day. That should be fun. It's a big deal but all we'll end up doing probably will be:
- Watching Cheaters
- Getting a tub of ice cream
- Making computers talk to each other.
- Go to Walmart.
- Hang out with Bryan.
- Make fun of people.
So, as you can tell, this weekend will be full of action. Heck, we may even throw the football around.... like the 'boys. I think Ed can throw it over a mountain.
So, my Spring Break is going.... uh..... along. I haven't really done much except help my mother search for a new car. Which I don't mind, I got free food out of the deal.
It's now been almost 3 weeks since I have had a carbonated beverage. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Now I just have to be better about the fast food. I'm such a weak man... I can't say no to a good Braum's burger or Sonic food (as long as it's not from Ada... our Sonic sucks).
The best time in all of sports is upon us. And filling out the bracket is one of my favorite things to do. All the contests I enter with these brackets I always get so close to winning. I'm either 2nd or dead last. So, who will be my pick to win it all? You'll find out soon enough.... maybe.
Wednesday - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah right!
Thursday - I will try to go to WalMart and find a date. Unfortunately, I didn't dress up enough to be considered "dateable".
Friday - I'll be hanging out with Ed... there's no chance of getting a date with him around me.
Saturday - I sign up for an online dating service. The transexual nazi eskimo I met says I'm not her/his type.
Sunday - I think God just laughed at me.
Monday - I'll be too busy blogging.....
Tuesday - The 1-900 number girls wouldn't accept my call.
Sad isn't it? That's my life.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I second that on Ada's Sonic. It's bad. The best one is in Tishomingo, that's my opinion. You should open one in Vanoss. I think I'd drive all that way to get a junior banana split. Talking about junior banana splits, in Ada they said they were discontinued and that night I saw an ad for them!
You're supposed to go grocery shopping at Wally World with a bunch of stuff in your basket that looks like you're a gourmet chef. That's what I'm told.
Chrissy, at Wed Mar 15, 10:41:00 AM 2006
What is the forecast for today?
Nichole, at Tue Jul 14, 04:50:00 PM 2009
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