Do you ever say to yourself, "I just hafta (hick for 'have to') quit spending so much money." I said that a couple of nights ago. Here's why...
Thursday, I went to Encounter, which is essentially 'church' at the Baptist Student Union. But this was a special night. After worship, they were doing their pie auction to raise money for summer missions. But there was more to it. Some/most of the ladies from the B.S.U were the ones who made all the delicious desserts. And it is customary to eat the dessert you bought with the woman who made it. Upon hearing of this event earlier in the day, I leaped with joy, well... without the leaping part. You get pie and a Baptist girl. You can't get any better than that.
Anyways, I "eye the pie" that I want to bid on. Of course, it was cheesecake. I love me the cheesecake. So, here I am, thinking that the pies will go for, maybe, $35-$40. Boy was I wrong. The most someone spent on a dessert was $115!! I told myself, I will NOT spend over $30 on something. What did I do? I spent $80 on something that wasn't even there! I'll explain: I bid on a few items, but I didn't bid the highest on any of them. Therefore not acquiring any pie. The auction was over, or so I thought. One girl stepped up to the front and said that, for the highest bidder, she would make the pie of their (the bidder's) choice. One minute later, I was $80 poorer. I had a good time, though. I really like the feeling of raising your hand at an auction. I feel like a man. They should require each guy to raise a power tool if they want to bid next time. Yeah,... that's a good idea. Or what about farting each time you want to bid?
Here's a few pictures of the event:
Thursday, I went to Encounter, which is essentially 'church' at the Baptist Student Union. But this was a special night. After worship, they were doing their pie auction to raise money for summer missions. But there was more to it. Some/most of the ladies from the B.S.U were the ones who made all the delicious desserts. And it is customary to eat the dessert you bought with the woman who made it. Upon hearing of this event earlier in the day, I leaped with joy, well... without the leaping part. You get pie and a Baptist girl. You can't get any better than that.
Anyways, I "eye the pie" that I want to bid on. Of course, it was cheesecake. I love me the cheesecake. So, here I am, thinking that the pies will go for, maybe, $35-$40. Boy was I wrong. The most someone spent on a dessert was $115!! I told myself, I will NOT spend over $30 on something. What did I do? I spent $80 on something that wasn't even there! I'll explain: I bid on a few items, but I didn't bid the highest on any of them. Therefore not acquiring any pie. The auction was over, or so I thought. One girl stepped up to the front and said that, for the highest bidder, she would make the pie of their (the bidder's) choice. One minute later, I was $80 poorer. I had a good time, though. I really like the feeling of raising your hand at an auction. I feel like a man. They should require each guy to raise a power tool if they want to bid next time. Yeah,... that's a good idea. Or what about farting each time you want to bid?
Here's a few pictures of the event:
Lovely, Kara... lovely.
But the best part of all was that over $1,200 was raised to help fund future mission trips.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
$80 for pie!! I hope it was good. Thats incredible. So funny. Later.
Anonymous, at Mon Mar 06, 03:35:00 PM 2006
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