The Gingus Chronicles

Friday, September 15, 2006

Lazing on a lonely Friday night

I noticed that whenever you don't eat, you tend to become hungry. It's a revelation I've made completely by myself. I'm smart. I should write these down and make a book.

It's the best of times, it's the worst of times. That's how school can be... except for the first one. What did I get myself into?

Guess what? I have a permit to be able to drive a school bus. How scary is that? Not as scary as actually seeing me DRIVING a school bus. Word of advice: Stay out of the ditches. I'll be taking my actually driving test next Friday.

Sorry I don't update this as much as I did. I don't have much free time around the internet anymore except for the weekends.

So, now I'm sitting in the UCM, by myself wondering where people are. Usually this is the thing I look forward to the most out of the week: Seeing my friends and relaxing. But they aren't here and that makes me a sad panda.

I showed this video to some of my classes today at school. What kind of teacher am I? But it was cool anyway, so shutty.

College football prediction time (AKA How wrong can I be?)
OU- 24
Oregon- 35

OSU- 42
Fl.Atlantic- 10

USC- 38
Nebraska- 17

LSU- 17
Auburn- 24

Michigan- 21
Notre Dame- 31

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


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