The Gingus Chronicles

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Let's Do This... I'm a cashew

There are good days and bad days. This is a good day.

OU beat Texas. Oklahoma State lost. US-freakin-C lost. And what would have made this an even better day is if LSU would have lost.

And speaking of OU/Texas, what a game that was. It was arguably the most competitive OU/Texas game since Stoops took the reigns as head coach. Obviously, I'm happy with the OUtcome, so that makes it even sweeter.

Once again, I realize that I haven't updated in a long time, so just enjoy it, okay?

I am in the process of moving into a house right next to where I work. So, not only do I not have to drive to work, I can go home and eat lunch instead of the wonderful array of soy-based "food" products. The only thing from keeping me from moving everything in in the next couple of days is the fact there is a few things being repaired in the house. I can't wait until everything is finally done and moved.

And what would a post on here be without me mentioning work? I'm glad you asked! Since after-school practices have started, I have been more tired than normal (makes sense, right?). We have been going for as long as 6 o'clock in the p.m. It's a long day for me. But, you know what? I enjoy it. And our first game will be here before I know it (November 1st for my junior high). I'm excited to see how we will do this season. I think we can be as good as we want to be. They probably don't realize how good they are or could be. I hope they take full advantage of their talents.

My junior high girls will be a fun group to watch this year. Already I'm excited to see how they will do as well. It will be fun.

Teaching math is going easier this year compared to last. Mainly because I have a year of experience under my belt (even though I don't wear belts). It may have a little bit to do with the OU flag I put in my room as well.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


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