The Gingus Chronicles

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Blessed Life

I actually have free time to blog at the moment, so I am taking advantage. Right now, we are taking semester tests and I only have a few students here taking it. I look forward to this time so much. I have no prep period, so any mini-break I get is a gift.

Christmas shopping. I hate Christmas shopping. There is so much pressure to get the right gift. Well, at least I think there is pressure. I'm not so good at knowing what others want. I hate knowing that I got someone the wrong gift and seeing the disappointment in their eyes. Plus, dealing with all the people at the stores. It's crazy. At least has helped a lot in that regard. Online shopping: A Godsend for lazy people.

What do I want for Christmas? I really don't "need" anything. I have everything. Of course, I wouldn't complain if I received a new vehicle or if someone decided to pay off the rest of my house. There's always something that I wouldn't mind having. It's just that I'm so blessed that I don't need anything. I have loving family and friends. I have a job and a nice home. How many people don't have basic things? Too many. So, why should I ask for anything? I have everything. Just not the "Donald Trump" has everything.

If only gift cards were good to give for everyone... all the time. Then I would be good to go.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


  • I LOVE I've got my kids and son-in-law trained to make wish lists for me, usually with links. I do virtually all my shopping online. I'm a bit of a rarity amongst females: I don't really like to shop. This year, part of our kids' gifts will be a trip to OKC on New Year's Eve to see The Flaming Lips concert together. Experiences are the best presents. :)

    By Blogger Deanna, at Fri Dec 18, 11:21:00 PM 2009  

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