Some say I'm like a tornado made of arms and teeth... and fingernails. I was introduced to the world in Ada, Oklahoma, on June 4, 1981. I got learned at Vanoss Public Schools and East Central University. I am 6'1/2" 180 lbs. I am a teacher slash coach.
I like thunderstorms, paintball, and paintball during a storm. Street? Yeah, I'm street.
kent, i think it's called blasphemy
Scott, at Wed Oct 05, 07:14:00 AM 2005
yeah, why does he need two weapons? Man, i feel like saying prayers for even seeing it.
the rocket, at Wed Oct 05, 09:29:00 AM 2005
Does this mean Jesus is our Master Chief?
Coach K, at Wed Oct 05, 10:53:00 PM 2005
blasphemy? he's got a heart on his shirt!
TJ, at Fri Oct 07, 12:44:00 AM 2005
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