Why do I say these things?
Competition brings out the worst in me. THE WORST. For those of you who know me probably think profanity exits my mouth seldom (don't laugh). The exact opposite occurred during the OU-Texas football game. Somebody said something during the game that made me mad and I said a few choice words at the person. Some may have thought it was funny because it was pretty unlike me. Not just once, but twice I did this... to the same person. And the fact that OU was losing (pretty badly by the way) added fuel to the fire. I embarrassed myself and probably those around me.
But this isn't me. Is it?
In James 3:9-10, it says, "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. By brothers, this should not be."
The tongue is deadly. With words we can express love. With words we can tell a racist joke. With words we can preach the gospel. With words we can break someone's heart. Words spoken tell others who we are. But I don't want to be the person I was on Saturday. I hate that person. I can't stand who I am at times. But you know what's amazing? God still forgives us even though we curse others. We sin against Him and His greatest creation and yet He still forgives us. Amazing! I totally don't understand how or why but I know He does. We are so undeserving of His love and forgiveness. Yet He gives it to us freely. I can't fathom that. A love so unconditional..........
I hate pride. I hate it when people think that they are above you. And sometimes people always have to top what you have done just to show off. Arrogance. Pride. My biggest "pet peeve". I cannot stand to be with people who are like that. Am I humble? Am I full of pride? I know what I want my answer to be. Things have to change in my life. I can't do it on my own. Thank God I can't do it on my own.
But this isn't me. Is it?
In James 3:9-10, it says, "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with it we curse men. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. By brothers, this should not be."
The tongue is deadly. With words we can express love. With words we can tell a racist joke. With words we can preach the gospel. With words we can break someone's heart. Words spoken tell others who we are. But I don't want to be the person I was on Saturday. I hate that person. I can't stand who I am at times. But you know what's amazing? God still forgives us even though we curse others. We sin against Him and His greatest creation and yet He still forgives us. Amazing! I totally don't understand how or why but I know He does. We are so undeserving of His love and forgiveness. Yet He gives it to us freely. I can't fathom that. A love so unconditional..........
I hate pride. I hate it when people think that they are above you. And sometimes people always have to top what you have done just to show off. Arrogance. Pride. My biggest "pet peeve". I cannot stand to be with people who are like that. Am I humble? Am I full of pride? I know what I want my answer to be. Things have to change in my life. I can't do it on my own. Thank God I can't do it on my own.
Lord, forgive me where I have failed you. Provide me peace and joy. Teach me how to follow you everyday of my life. Show me that you are with me when I feel alone. Lord, you know I can't do this on my own. I need you. I don't show it, but I love you. Give me a passion for your Word. Give me a thirst to talk to you. Help me to get past my own pride and the pride of others. Show me how to love. Show me how to live. Guide me. Amen.
That's some good things to remember. It's amazing that we would ever CHOOSE to reject God after what he's done for us.
Coach K, at Tue Oct 11, 04:05:00 PM 2005
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