If coo were to make a bathroom...

Interesting... I wonder if you would have to appologize if the "two belly buttons" thing occured:
Man: Oh jeeze... I... uh..... it's cold in here. Don't judge me based on this, ladies! Please! Hold on... let me go to the blow dryer! (Turns it on)... See? It's all good now!
Stage fright, anybody? Performance anxiety, anyone?
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 20, 11:15:00 AM 2005
Woohoo! I grossed out a girl! My mission is complete!
Coach K, at Tue Dec 20, 01:54:00 PM 2005
Ummm... yeah... that is kinda "ewww"-ish. Is it really necessary to be so descriptive? Or even talk about it, period! I mean, the blow dryer?! C'mon! What's w/ you always talking about 2nd belly buttons? Speaking from experience? hehe
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 20, 05:40:00 PM 2005
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