The Gingus Chronicles

Monday, December 26, 2005


Imagine, if you will, a game of chess. Every piece is set in place awaiting the first move. But neither piece is moving. Only staring at each other. Nothing said. Nothing. Now, pick up the chess board. Now THROW IT AT THE WALL! Find the little horsies and find a hammer so you can destroy them into little horsy bits. Take the pawns and set them on fire. The bishops need to be cut into 57 pieces each. The rooks need a kick in the rook nuts while the queen is injected via needle with the plague. The king stands alone while staring down the barrel of a shotgun. BOOM!

What does this all mean? Chess = Me. Here's a mathmatical equation for you:

Kent + love life = Does that make sense now?


  • ah! You must have been looking in the strangest places for a love life. I really don't know why you have this terrible self you like yourself? Perhaps you should have a love coach--not just anyone-everyone volunteers

    So does that mean you don't like chess or that you don't know how to play?

    By Anonymous Nichole, at Mon Jul 13, 09:36:00 AM 2009  

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