How many UCM interns does it take to.....
Aaron is doing okay so far while on his cell phone, but look what happens one second later....
Yeah... and he was only checking his voice mail.... Now check out the results.....
A dead intern.
We really need to start bumper guarding the UCM in case of other incidents like this. Just imagine what would happen if they start driving and talking on the phone at the same time? I don't even want the think about it....
So, what happens when they are in class?
I captured this shot of Thomas while he was in the middle of a math exam. I could almost see that mouse turning the wheel inside his head...
I also think that UCM interns goof off way too much while they are suppose to be "working". Just take a look at this...Thomas..... tisk tisk... sleeping on the job...... How do you say, "I have a cat in my pants", in spanish?
But some actually do "interning".....
At least one intern is doing SOMETHING. Good job, Jonathon. Way to answer those telemarketers before the second ring. I overheard him answering the phone like so: "UCM slaughter house. What's your beef? Uh.... what's the beef? ...... Hello?"
Okay... now it's time for you guys to send me angry comments... most likely of the "anonymous" persuasion. But I'm just joshin' you guys.... ya'll do a good job here. Gotta give it to ya.... *clap clap clap*
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
"tengo un gato en los pantalones."
tom, at Mon Jan 30, 06:33:00 PM 2006
Uhhh..... thanks.....
Coach K, at Mon Jan 30, 07:07:00 PM 2006
Éstos no son mis pantalones.
Scott, at Mon Jan 30, 07:25:00 PM 2006
*rolls on the floor* Thomas has a cat in his pants! Woo! Believe it or not that was the first Spanish phrase I learned...*giggle* My Dad likes to answer the phone with "City Morgue." Oh. Funny thing. My Biology teacher's refrigerator is labeled "morgue" how's that for a twisted sense of humor?
Anonymous, at Mon Jan 30, 07:48:00 PM 2006
You, my friend, are an odd duck.
Anonymous, at Mon Jan 30, 11:01:00 PM 2006
*duck walks across the road with a number 7 on his back*
quack quack...
Coach K, at Mon Jan 30, 11:02:00 PM 2006
Hehe... I get it... b/c you're a "7" you're a lucky duch too.
Anonymous, at Mon Jan 30, 11:07:00 PM 2006
el queso es viejo y podrido. donde esta el bano?
the rocket, at Wed Feb 01, 12:22:00 PM 2006
does jonathon know you have posted his picture?? he is weird about that ya know--something about his mystique and capturing his soul..blah blah blah
tka821, at Wed Feb 01, 09:39:00 PM 2006
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