The Gingus Chronicles

Monday, January 16, 2006

You sank my Jenga jam

So, what did I do with my Sunday (yesterday)? Well, it is your lucky day. For I had a camera to capture all the excitement. It was a Sunday of Jenga. Enjoy...

Playing Jenga takes all of my attention. I'm a serious gamer, folks. I like to stare down my competition prior to the attempt. I shall succeed!

No... NO...... NOOOOO!!!!!!! How can this be?! I was so careful! So much time and effort just to lose! I'm so mad.... grrrrrrr!

Obviously, I cannot stand to lose. My competitive nature is taking control... I encounter a variety of emotions, from true frustration to......

... Mad....

... to sad.

I didn't want to go through any more emotions.... so I got a bottle of Vanilla and, well......... see for yourself.

And there you have it. Just another Sunday.

On Saturday, though, I had a good outing of a particular sport. Bowling. I achieved my "career" high: 195. Yeah baby! I think I'm going to leave college early and enter the bowling draft. Vince Young, you got nothin'!

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


  • hahahahaha, i love picture story posts!!! you rock. hope you enjoyed all that vanilla. have a great day.

    lizzy j

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jan 16, 12:32:00 PM 2006  

  • ive started saving straws for love jenga but the game will make you crazy....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jan 16, 01:20:00 PM 2006  

  • Obviously

    By Blogger Coach K, at Mon Jan 16, 01:21:00 PM 2006  

  • Those last few pictures look really good. Did you hire a professional photographer??


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Mon Jan 16, 05:43:00 PM 2006  

  • Okay, NOW I'M COMMENTING! hehe Weirdo!

    Yeah, Jenga is very frustrating for me. I have very shaky hands, hence Jenga being frustrating for me. My favorite pic would be the first one. You seem so deep in concetration. Hmmm...

    As for bowling, FABULOUS!! I'm lucky if a break 100. hehe

    Oh, I've been meaning to ask. Why did you list me as "E. Wriker"??? I don't mind, but... is it b/c of all the other Liz's you know?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tue Jan 17, 02:49:00 AM 2006  

  • Yes. I was about to label the Liz's as Liz 1, Liz 2, and Liz 3.

    By Blogger Coach K, at Tue Jan 17, 03:42:00 PM 2006  

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