The Gingus Chronicles

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Kurt... Kent...whatever

Well... here is the gang... so to speak. All separated now. But briefly back together.... We were here getting fitted for tuxes to be worn at a later time (Bryan's wedding). And Ed was there too:Ed was super excited to be there too. But basically we were waiting for Bryan to make decisions so we could go eat. We were hungry dang it!

Well, it's raining cats and dogs here. Here's a picture I took of outside my house today:

Yeah... it was bad, yo.

Let's see... what else... what else..... I went to Jack in the Box earlier and got a shake. They always make their shakes really tough to suck through the straw. But, as always, I use the straw anyways. So, that made me wonder..... Is it possible to give yourself a hickey inside your mouth? I think you can.......

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


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