I realized I haven't posted any pictures in a long time, so, here is my chance.

Ada has a new department store. I thought about going in, but I didn't have any 1-dollar bills.

This is one of my favorite pictures from the winter season. This is of my back porch. I believe by this time in the picture taking process, I couldn't feel anything in the extremities.

Look closely... see anything? This is why people make fun of us in the south.

Ah... the good ole days.
This is the ever-famous Playstation 3. This has helped me waste numerous hours that I could have spent doing something useful. Oh well, it's awesome... and expensive.

Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I still say PS3= dumb.
Anonymous, at Tue Jan 23, 10:19:00 AM 2007
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