Doctor, give me the news
So, this is what I wrote last year on "Valentine's Day":
"The (enter choice adjective-expletive here) "holiday" most refer to as "Valentines Day" has creeped upon me yet again. I like to think of it as "National Singles Awareness Day". It's a conspiracy holiday created by the greeting card and candy industry. This is a day that honors couples, marriages, and love. Who needs it? All you people who are fortunate (or not) to have a significant other, I don't want to hear about how GREAT your Valentine's Day went. Not only am I single, I'm bitter. So hearing about somebody else's grand adventures isn't on my "want-to" list. Especially on Tuesday. I usually can't stand it any other day. So, give me until early March for me to be my usual bitter self. Deal?"
A month ago the thought of having a good "Valentine's Day" looked promising. Now, it's looking like I'll be having the same National Single's Awareness Day that I always have. I should be used to it by now...
A lot of you are thinking that I am overreacting, again. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on myself... putting too much importance on something like this. But you know, it doesn't exactly help my confidence. I'm always left thinking, "What's wrong with me?"
It's not easy for me to meet people. I am, by nature, a person who likes to keep to himself. I don't like new social situations. I am the person you have to know for a while to begin to like. You have to warm up to me. In other words, I'm not the person who catches your eye immediately. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm always the friend, not the boyfriend.
Patience is a virtue, right? But I hate waiting on patience...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
"The (enter choice adjective-expletive here) "holiday" most refer to as "Valentines Day" has creeped upon me yet again. I like to think of it as "National Singles Awareness Day". It's a conspiracy holiday created by the greeting card and candy industry. This is a day that honors couples, marriages, and love. Who needs it? All you people who are fortunate (or not) to have a significant other, I don't want to hear about how GREAT your Valentine's Day went. Not only am I single, I'm bitter. So hearing about somebody else's grand adventures isn't on my "want-to" list. Especially on Tuesday. I usually can't stand it any other day. So, give me until early March for me to be my usual bitter self. Deal?"
A month ago the thought of having a good "Valentine's Day" looked promising. Now, it's looking like I'll be having the same National Single's Awareness Day that I always have. I should be used to it by now...
A lot of you are thinking that I am overreacting, again. Maybe I am. Maybe I'm putting too much pressure on myself... putting too much importance on something like this. But you know, it doesn't exactly help my confidence. I'm always left thinking, "What's wrong with me?"
It's not easy for me to meet people. I am, by nature, a person who likes to keep to himself. I don't like new social situations. I am the person you have to know for a while to begin to like. You have to warm up to me. In other words, I'm not the person who catches your eye immediately. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but I'm always the friend, not the boyfriend.
Patience is a virtue, right? But I hate waiting on patience...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Chin up, young person. You're going to make someone an awesome boyfriend/husband someday. I know that right now it feels like it will never happen... but it will. It will. Just keep swimmin'... just keep swimmin'...
Amy, queen of the world., at Mon Feb 05, 11:24:00 PM 2007
I know it's been a while since you wrote this, but commenting can be fun.
First are really transparent on your blog which is a good thing since you are "shy at first". Seriously funny balanced with daily stuff and work and romance or the lack there of in this case.
New social situations can be stretching but necessary for your own character building process and to get to know others as difficult as that can seem. As for needing to warm up to you or not being a person that catches the eye-I disagree.
But as for the bitter Feb. 14th been there too many times to count and will therefore always have a place in my heart for the single people on that day...though I hope I'm not one come 2010 if the Lord tarries.
Virtue is costly but some things are worth the extra expense. Just think of how expensive you were-the price of the only begotten Son yet the Father says you are worth it. I'd agree.
Going with God:)
Nichole, at Wed Jul 08, 08:51:00 AM 2009
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