Answer every question with a question. But why?
Well, the wheels are turning now for grad school. I went to the graduate school office today and talked to someone about enrolling. She was very nice and it put me into a pretty good mood about the whole grad school thing. Found out the my advisor in none other than who I considered as my favorite teacher through college: Dr. Susan Payne. So that made me feel even better about everything. Now I just need to fill out some papers and meet with Dr. Payne to fill out a schedule and everything should be moving smoothly. SHOULD be.
The other day Megan came down and spent some time with Ed and I. Good times. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted because of a family event. But on the other hand, I enjoyed seeing family I haven't seen in a while. Although, most of the people there I had no idea who they were. Who would crash a family reunion anyway? Free food? Maybe. There was fried chicken and cherry pie present. Who could pass that up? I had a good time though. And as for you, Megan, you don't come to Ada enough to see me. . . I mean us. Coooo!

The other day Megan came down and spent some time with Ed and I. Good times. Unfortunately, I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted because of a family event. But on the other hand, I enjoyed seeing family I haven't seen in a while. Although, most of the people there I had no idea who they were. Who would crash a family reunion anyway? Free food? Maybe. There was fried chicken and cherry pie present. Who could pass that up? I had a good time though. And as for you, Megan, you don't come to Ada enough to see me. . . I mean us. Coooo!

Anyway, one of my favorite shirts has this picture of George from Seinfeld on it. The caption under it says, "The Timeless Art Of Seduction." Seinfeld is awesome.
Well, I'm out of stuff to say now, so I'm going to go back to doing nothing.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
it's probably just showing the picture on your fancy computer and not yours.
the rocket, at Wed Jun 29, 02:36:00 PM 2005
yeah that makes a lot of sense. Anyways, glad it is up and running now.
the rocket, at Thu Jun 30, 01:26:00 PM 2005
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