Silent Algebra
And talk about a good price for a ticket... $8. Yeah, $8 for a concert ticket! Amazing. Can't wait.
In other news...
You know what? I don't care. You people can comment away. I'm not changing what I put on here. If you think I'm the devil reincarnate with a blog, then that's your problem. I'm not losing any sleep over this biz. So, ... comment away! But if you have a problem with me just email me and if it's possible, leave me an email where I can respond back. I know that may be too much to ask but that's my suggestion.
Hey! Guess what? A new episode of Lost comes on in less than a week! Woohoo!!! The only thing is that I have class on Wednesday's this spring. But I have recorded them so far this season because I haven't been able to watch the show due to church (Yes, I do go to church). Plus, it's a 2 hour chunk of Lost. Sweeeeet!
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Read the last entry, and heres what I have to say:
Some people just overreact about nothing. "Nuckin' Futts" Also implies to F-Word, and how many people went and saw Dickie Roberts? Any takers? I know some of you laughed about that. It's just a joke. You don't have to get all uptight. Plus, when you say "Crap" "Heck" ect., we know what you are actually refering to, you are using those substitutes words in the same context as the actual profanities. You might as well just say the real thing, if you want to get all techincal. And I KNOW none of you can say you've never said crap. What right do you have to judge Kent, anyway? He has done nothing wrong. Like he said, have a sense of honor. I also think not everyone read the sarcasm in some of your statements, Kent, such as the whole "Holier-than-thou" thing. And I'm pretty sure you knew no one was upset about the Batman mask, either, or maybe they just like Robin better or something, who knows... If anyone has some concern for you well being, such as a friend would, they should tell you in an upfront way, not anonymously on a blog. I agree that that is cowardly. If you really cared, you wouldn't be afraid to say something. I didn't have any trouble diciphering the whole party boy thing, but maybe that is partly because I know you hate drinking. People shouldn't form an opinion of you from just a blog, because we are so much more than what we write. You shouldn't pass judgement on someone you don't really know. The people that matter in your life, the ones that are actually friends and care about you and love you, aren't the ones that comment you anonymously anyway. Much love my Poptart!
Matthew 7:2
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Anonymous, at Fri Jan 06, 11:53:00 PM 2006
That was fantasticaly written. I think a lot of us who read Blogs realize that they are just thoughts of the individual. You shouldn't judge someone who you've never met, or are not personally know to them. Better yet, you shouldn't judge at all. In this PC world we know live in it's hard to not offend someone. I'm left with the comment I've heard "Take what you want and leave the rest"
Chris, at Sat Jan 07, 01:29:00 AM 2006
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