French benefits

It's true... people ACTUALLY read my blog. Maybe this means I can start up my own The Gingus Chronicles merchandise. Shirts, tote bags, iPod protectors, llamas, fake tatoos, action figures, brain implants, and many other things I can market. I can see dollar signs people!
I forgot to mention that I joined Ada First Baptist church last Sunday. I am glad to get it out of the way. Now I can focus on my involvement with the church. I got a free new members package which included a directory (outdated, by the way) and a First Baptist liscense tag. I new signing up would pay off... just kidding.
Well, the Super Bowl is in a few hours. I've been a Seahawks fan for a few years now, so I'm going for Seattle. Boooooooo Pittsburgh. And no... I'm not a bandwagon Seahawks fan. The reason I started liking them is because I had a Fantasy team (which I totally dominated, thank you very much) and I had the starting QB for Seattle on my team. So I just started going for Seattle because I wanted my fantasy team to do well. So, there you go. Booyah!
But what is going to be better? The game or the commercials? Or.... the halftime show? The Rolling Stones, baby! Just as long as one of them doesn't show their nipples on live T.V. Aren't they 86 years old? Sheesh...
And now, to finish the blog, I'll post a picture of "something" that I pass by on my way to Ada everyday.

I guess that's where 'granny sits...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
you totally just did a peak and leave
i saw you
Scott, at Sun Feb 05, 07:11:00 PM 2006
Hey, that's in front of my house!
I bet you devout readers are already trying to find you a woman!
Cafepress here you come!
Chrissy, at Sun Feb 05, 09:13:00 PM 2006
Glad to be your spokes person for the gingus chronicles but I would fire me and get somebody better looking if you want your merchandise to take off. Just think if you would have called your blog Chronicles of Gingus you could have beaten MR. Lewis to the box office money.
Anonymous, at Mon Feb 06, 12:13:00 AM 2006
A "peak and leave"? Hmmm...
That car's hilarious!
I'm happy that you've joined a church. I know that's been on your heart and mind lately. Congrats... Well, you shouldn't be the one to be congratulated... Anywho!
My ex-bf did the Fantasy football stuff too... bleck And Fantasy baseball... bleck squared! But, if I were a guy, and I'm not (hehehe), and were into sports, it would be a lot of fun to do.
Sorry your day stunk though. But, like you said, "Things could be worse."
Anonymous, at Mon Feb 06, 12:26:00 AM 2006
yeeehaw!!! I love Oklahoma---that kinda stuff is everywhere-didn't the hillbillies come from Texas though:)---must be a pit stop
Nichole, at Tue Jul 14, 12:21:00 PM 2009
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