Her/she kiss
Recent discussions have lead me to ponder what I want in a female.... a potential mate. Now I can be as picky as I want to but I don't want to limit myself to a list.
Now first and foremost, I AM going to marry a christian girl. Now that is considering I AM going to get married. But I know the first thing I am looking for in a girl is that she is a christian. I want someone I can share similar beliefs with. There is no seeable way for me to get that from a woman who is, say, a Buddhist. This isn't just a morality thing. I want someone who I can praise God together with. Someone who I can take to church. Someone who I can talk to about my faith and vice-versa. Now I guess I would prefer a Baptist, but I am not going to limit myself to denominations. There are too many terrific girls out there who aren't Baptist.
Usually I would say that is all that matters to me, but I believe that there is more to "her" just being a christian. There are a number of qualities that I would LIKE for "her" to have. But this is by no means a final draft or anything like that. Here we go...
Now first and foremost, I AM going to marry a christian girl. Now that is considering I AM going to get married. But I know the first thing I am looking for in a girl is that she is a christian. I want someone I can share similar beliefs with. There is no seeable way for me to get that from a woman who is, say, a Buddhist. This isn't just a morality thing. I want someone who I can praise God together with. Someone who I can take to church. Someone who I can talk to about my faith and vice-versa. Now I guess I would prefer a Baptist, but I am not going to limit myself to denominations. There are too many terrific girls out there who aren't Baptist.
Usually I would say that is all that matters to me, but I believe that there is more to "her" just being a christian. There are a number of qualities that I would LIKE for "her" to have. But this is by no means a final draft or anything like that. Here we go...
- Obviously, she HAS to be a christian. I need a Godly woman who isn't afraid to stand up for her beliefs, no matter the consequences. One who seeks God earnestly. A prayerful woman who loves God with all of her heart.
- I have to find her attractive. I believe that the girl God has for me will be attractive in my eyes. So, I guess this is really a "me" thing, not a requirement for "her".
- She has to be loving. I couldn't stand to be with a woman who isn't afraid to show me how she feels. If she loves me, I want to know it!
- I would prefer if she has the same views on alcohol as I do. I follow the zero tolerance policy. Now, I'm still studying this for myself, so this isn't final. But, since I don't drink at all, I don't want her to as well. I just hate the stuff.
- She would have to seem like she would be a great mother. I think the main point of marriage is to procreate. Not to say that people who don't have children have a failed marriage or anything. But, I want a woman who wants to have children. And she would have to be a good mother. I need my children in a christian home.
- She will have to be smart. I mean, c'mon... somebody has to take care of me when I do something stupid.
- She will have to accept my flaws. Lord knows I have plenty of them. If she doesn't accept who I am, then .......
- I want her to be strong willed and semi-independent. I don't want her to be so dependent on me that if I am gone for 3 minutes she'll have a total freak attack. I want her to do her own thing sometimes. But not all the time.
- Humbleness. My biggest pet peeve is people with great pride within themselves. People who just think they are God's gift to everyone and everything is something I can't deal with. I want a girl with a servant's heart.
- I would like her to be family oriented. I guess this could be part of the whole 'children' thing. But my dad was part of a fairly large family (my father was 1 of 8 kids). We are a close family and I don't want that to change when I get married.
- Healthy lifestyle. I want my future wife to be healthy. Staying thin and neat is important to me. Now, I can be a slob sometimes but I like to think I am somewhat neat. I need someone to keep me in check. I don't want my wife dying of something because she didn't lead a healthy lifestyle. I need somebody to keep my in check in this regard as well.
- She would have to love me. Simply put. Why would I want someone that doesn't love me?
- Have a sense of humor. I want someone that I can laugh with. Humor is truly a gift from God.
- Similar taste in music. This is by no means a "list killer" if she doesn't like the same groups that I like. I just think it would be awesome if we could both enjoy the same music. Music is a way to reach the soul.
- Maturity. I don't want someone who is just totally immature, like me at times (I'm working on that).
- I want someone who doesn't mind just being with me. We wouldn't have to go out because other people are. I want her to want to spend time with me. I don't want to be afraid to just stay at home on a weekend night just being together. Now, I'm not saying that this would happen every weekend. I don't want her to be in love with the atmosphere surrounding us.... I just want her to be in love with me.
- She'll have to respect what I do for a living. Now, I'm not totally sure what exactly that is yet, but I want her to respect me. If I were a sales rep for a baseball team, then I want her support and love.
- And finally (but not final), I want a relationship to where we can be honest with each other. I want to be able to talk to my wife about ANYTHING I desire. Now, I know that it isn't realistic to be able to talk about every single thing. I want an honest relationship, with full trust in each other and one driven by God.
Wow. I thought up more than I thought I would. I'm sure there are more but I just can't think of any more. What a good way to lead up to National Singles Awareness Day.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
So I finally get to comment! I know, it's about time.
I'm glad that you have it well thought out ahead of time in what you want in a girl. Some guys around here pick the wrong girl period. It makes you wonder if they really think sometimes.
For me, I'm not even thinking about getting married for a long time. Things like eharmony sound good but the other person might be looking to get married right now. That is way too fast for me. Yeah, I know it's unbearable at times but I don't want to be tied down to the wrong guy when the right guy is around here somewhere.
Chrissy, at Fri Feb 03, 04:17:00 PM 2006
It's really great that you are able to sort through your feelings about what you want in a potential mate. And, the fact that you posted it for the whole world (or your e-friends) to read is even greater.
*high five* hehe
Anonymous, at Sat Feb 04, 03:09:00 PM 2006
Just remember you can't experience national singles awareness day if you are dating somebody by valentines day, so wait until the 14th is over and then you can start dating. Saves you a lot of money.
Anonymous, at Mon Feb 06, 12:23:00 AM 2006
Well I finally got to read your boring blogs.HA HA J/K.This is really awesome, really sweet. I love it. Everyone has to be definate on the things they want in life. Especially who they are wanting to LOVE,commit to,and cherish for the rest of their lives.Stay Sweet!
Luv N Christ
Anonymous, at Fri Jan 19, 10:17:00 AM 2007
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