The Gingus Chronicles

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Million Dollar idea...

Ah yes... the pursuit.

Some say that when you stop looking for something, that is the moment you find it. I haven't noticed this yet..... yet.

I seem to be going back to bad habits of staying up late. Going to bed at 5:30 a.m. every morning is just not cutting it. But I had/have my reasons. We'll see if this continues to occur.

The other day I was shooting a rubber band at Action Figure Jesus (don't get mad,.. it's just plastic). I was an amazing shot... the rubber band ended up around his plastic head... it's like I lasso'd Jesus. Ok... that may be wrong....

You know... I can't take compliments very well. Whenever my birthday or Christmas rolls around, I just hate opening gifts in front of other people. And it's more than just putting on a fake smile for a crappy gift. I may get something that I really like but I'm afraid that my emotions won't show it. I'm not the kind of person who freaks out when I discover what the giftwrap hid. I'm not some 14 year old girl.... contrary to popular belief........ ahhhh shut up.

Ok... here's a random photo....

They should make biscuits and gravy flavored ice cream.... wouldn't that be good?

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


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