Apocalyptic Oil
I've been meaning to get this off of my chest, so to speak.
Usually I don't speak of issues concerning our country and/or the world, but this post will be about one of my biggest issues with the world. And I can summarize it into one word: oil.
Now, I don't have to tell you how important oil is to the United States. But I will anyway. It seems like everything we do is dependent on oil. Just think about it. Our cars run on gasoline or diesel. Plastics are made from oil. Just think about how many products you use that are made from plastic. CD's, tapes, shoes, tires, some make-up, and many many others. Needless to say, oil is very important in our culture.
The United States expends more energy as a country than any other country in the world. So what happens if you take away oil from the United States? Just think about it. You won't be able to have many of the things you have now. Many believe, like I do, that the U.S. will turn into a third world country if we don't have oil to depend on. Our economy will practically shut down. The great United States will be no more.
Now, I believe that an event known as the rapture will take place fairly soon. This is when God takes those who know Him with Him in the sky. Christians will practically disappear in mid air, so to speak. And if you follow end-time prophetic events, you may have heard people say that there will be talk of a one-world government. How can a power such as the United States allow such a thing to happen? You would think they would never agree to a one-world government. Well, something drastic will have to occur. The U.S. will have to be brought to its knees for them to forfeit their place as the world's only superpower. And the U.S. losing oil is what I believe will happen. The U.S. will be so broken that the thought of joining the one-world government will sound like a good idea.
The rising gas prices are an indicator that oil may be running out. And we all know that oil can't last forever. So, what are we to do when the oil runs out? Well, to solve our energy needs, many say that hydrogen is the answer. But we are many years away from enjoying such technology. To run our cars and trucks, many point to the year 2020 when this may be possible. Who knows what kind of gas prices we'll be paying by then?
That's my beliefs. Take it or hate it. Any thoughts you want to share?
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Usually I don't speak of issues concerning our country and/or the world, but this post will be about one of my biggest issues with the world. And I can summarize it into one word: oil.
Now, I don't have to tell you how important oil is to the United States. But I will anyway. It seems like everything we do is dependent on oil. Just think about it. Our cars run on gasoline or diesel. Plastics are made from oil. Just think about how many products you use that are made from plastic. CD's, tapes, shoes, tires, some make-up, and many many others. Needless to say, oil is very important in our culture.
The United States expends more energy as a country than any other country in the world. So what happens if you take away oil from the United States? Just think about it. You won't be able to have many of the things you have now. Many believe, like I do, that the U.S. will turn into a third world country if we don't have oil to depend on. Our economy will practically shut down. The great United States will be no more.
Now, I believe that an event known as the rapture will take place fairly soon. This is when God takes those who know Him with Him in the sky. Christians will practically disappear in mid air, so to speak. And if you follow end-time prophetic events, you may have heard people say that there will be talk of a one-world government. How can a power such as the United States allow such a thing to happen? You would think they would never agree to a one-world government. Well, something drastic will have to occur. The U.S. will have to be brought to its knees for them to forfeit their place as the world's only superpower. And the U.S. losing oil is what I believe will happen. The U.S. will be so broken that the thought of joining the one-world government will sound like a good idea.
The rising gas prices are an indicator that oil may be running out. And we all know that oil can't last forever. So, what are we to do when the oil runs out? Well, to solve our energy needs, many say that hydrogen is the answer. But we are many years away from enjoying such technology. To run our cars and trucks, many point to the year 2020 when this may be possible. Who knows what kind of gas prices we'll be paying by then?
That's my beliefs. Take it or hate it. Any thoughts you want to share?
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I love the title of this entry. Which I bet the idea you got from ME!! The apocalypse... mmhmm... But I'm not upset... Wanna see my tongue?
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 22, 12:40:00 AM 2006
Such a touchy topic but I think ya covered it well. Aren't there cars that run on vegetable oil or something like that? I dunno. Have a good night.
Anonymous, at Wed Mar 22, 11:00:00 PM 2006
that answered one of my questions that I had about you-
i agree
Nichole, at Tue Jul 14, 04:33:00 PM 2009
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