The Sugar Trinity
Happy Easter everybody!
Is there such a thing as Wester? You know.... west?... the direction?...... 'cause the direction east is in Easter?....... there should be a Wester. Okay, it's done. I'll make a holiday called Wester. It will be to celebrate peanut butter and peanut butter related products. It will be a day totally dedicated to peanut butter. The morning for crunchy and the p.m. for smooth (a.k.a creamy). Mark it on your calender. June 19.... which is also Garfield's birthday.
Anywho.... the Hornets game was a great experience even though the Hornets lost. I had seats about 10 rows from the very back. My nose was about to start bleeding... if you get my point. Anyway, there was this woman behind me who is quite possibly the most annoying sports spectator I've ever witnessed. Not only did she not shut her yapper the whole time, but her voice was like Fran Dresher laughing plus nails on a chalkboard. But I just couldn't help myself from laughing at her at times. She would make up cheers during the whole game and some of the cheers were set to the music heard on the stadium's speakers. Just imagine the "We will rock you" music with "Dooon't let thaaaat team TAKE THE BALL!". Annoying but funny.
But possibly the best thing to happen Friday night happened after the game. We stopped by Wendy's and got a large Frosty. That made the trip worth it all by itself.
You know what would be the ultimate dessert? Combine a Frosty and peanut butter with a Cadbury Creamegg. It's my sugar trinity. Sure... a sugar coma will follow but what a way to go!
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Is there such a thing as Wester? You know.... west?... the direction?...... 'cause the direction east is in Easter?....... there should be a Wester. Okay, it's done. I'll make a holiday called Wester. It will be to celebrate peanut butter and peanut butter related products. It will be a day totally dedicated to peanut butter. The morning for crunchy and the p.m. for smooth (a.k.a creamy). Mark it on your calender. June 19.... which is also Garfield's birthday.
Anywho.... the Hornets game was a great experience even though the Hornets lost. I had seats about 10 rows from the very back. My nose was about to start bleeding... if you get my point. Anyway, there was this woman behind me who is quite possibly the most annoying sports spectator I've ever witnessed. Not only did she not shut her yapper the whole time, but her voice was like Fran Dresher laughing plus nails on a chalkboard. But I just couldn't help myself from laughing at her at times. She would make up cheers during the whole game and some of the cheers were set to the music heard on the stadium's speakers. Just imagine the "We will rock you" music with "Dooon't let thaaaat team TAKE THE BALL!". Annoying but funny.
But possibly the best thing to happen Friday night happened after the game. We stopped by Wendy's and got a large Frosty. That made the trip worth it all by itself.
You know what would be the ultimate dessert? Combine a Frosty and peanut butter with a Cadbury Creamegg. It's my sugar trinity. Sure... a sugar coma will follow but what a way to go!
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
somebody next to me just had a "pour me sugar on me" ringer. Ha ha ha ha!
GO EGGS!!! Speaking of EGGS/EASTER..., that will be the topic of my next blog entry. Look for that tomorrow. Till then, take care!
the rocket, at Mon Apr 17, 09:07:00 AM 2006
oh yeah... can't believe I forgot. (me being quiet for a couple seconds then leaning in to you) "my wife is in a comma!"
the rocket, at Mon Apr 17, 09:09:00 AM 2006
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