I just don't get it.
Why do some women stay with jerks? I just got done talking to somebody who is in somewhat of an abusive relationship (not physical). She feels like crap way too often because of him. So, why does she stay with him? That's my question. She won't leave him because she "loves him." So, is that enough to overcome even the worst relationship? I just don't get it. Time after time they say how much they can't stand the way they are treated. But how many times do they go back to the same problems that they were complaining about?
Okay, I know as little about women than anyone. Can anybody tell me why women are attracted to total a-holes? What is it about women that like to be continuously mistreated? I've been a nice guy all my life (at least, in my mind). Why don't women like the nice guys? As the saying goes, "Nice guys finish last" must be true. What would happen if I try this approach to dating?
(at a social event)
Available Female: Hey, I haven't seen you around here before.
Kent: Shut up you whore!
Available Female: So, can I have your number?
I don't want to be that person. I believe women should be treated with the utmost respect. I believe that they should be treated like beautiful creatures made by God Himself, which they are. Most women are who they because of how guys view them. Women who dress trashy probably do so because they know that is what some guys like. It's really sad. If most guys respected women, then we would see women start to dress respectfully. Wow,... I really went off there....
Women who stay in abusive relationships make me a sad panda.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
(e.w.... you happy now?)
Why do some women stay with jerks? I just got done talking to somebody who is in somewhat of an abusive relationship (not physical). She feels like crap way too often because of him. So, why does she stay with him? That's my question. She won't leave him because she "loves him." So, is that enough to overcome even the worst relationship? I just don't get it. Time after time they say how much they can't stand the way they are treated. But how many times do they go back to the same problems that they were complaining about?
Okay, I know as little about women than anyone. Can anybody tell me why women are attracted to total a-holes? What is it about women that like to be continuously mistreated? I've been a nice guy all my life (at least, in my mind). Why don't women like the nice guys? As the saying goes, "Nice guys finish last" must be true. What would happen if I try this approach to dating?
(at a social event)
Available Female: Hey, I haven't seen you around here before.
Kent: Shut up you whore!
Available Female: So, can I have your number?
I don't want to be that person. I believe women should be treated with the utmost respect. I believe that they should be treated like beautiful creatures made by God Himself, which they are. Most women are who they because of how guys view them. Women who dress trashy probably do so because they know that is what some guys like. It's really sad. If most guys respected women, then we would see women start to dress respectfully. Wow,... I really went off there....
Women who stay in abusive relationships make me a sad panda.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
(e.w.... you happy now?)
The thing you said about women dressing respectfully is probably true. I mean, I think, and I know a lot of people agree, that when women/girls where revealing clothing, they're just asking for the wrong guys to hit on them. DUH!
I don't understand why women stay w/ abusive men either. And, I seriously don't believe they know what love is if they say "But, I love him."
Anonymous, at Tue Apr 04, 11:35:00 PM 2006
You wrote "upmost respect."
Hehe, it's "utmost." hehehe
And, your last sentence's noun and verb don't match... (women-makes; should be women-make)
Yup... that's the education major in me talking!!
Remember, I love you! ;o)
Anonymous, at Tue Apr 04, 11:48:00 PM 2006
in reply to your comment on my blog...
how so?
ACG, at Wed Apr 05, 12:55:00 AM 2006
Do celebrate...
Everyday is worth celebrating!! It just so happens that its 010203040506!!
BTW-- thanks for the comments!
ACG, at Wed Apr 05, 01:00:00 AM 2006
Awww! You edited your blog for me!?! How sweet! Hahahaha Yes, that makes me very happy! Thanks ;o)
Anonymous, at Wed Apr 05, 04:47:00 AM 2006
Hmmm...that's an interesting question, probably one that will always be unanswered. I do it. If you want to know (or if you don't..) my reason is for my kids. He loves them even if he doesn't love me.
Anonymous, at Wed Apr 05, 08:03:00 AM 2006
Kent, in response to your question "why do women stay in abusive relationships?" There are many reasons why women stay in both emotionally and physically abusive relationships, but the most comman one is that for whatever resaon, they believe that they are not worthy of being treated better. Poor self-esteem, often related to past traumas, make them believe that for whatever reason, they don't deserve anything better. This is a serious probelm. Please encourage your friend to seek help and counseling with a trained domestic abuse counselor. Doesn't matter whether it is physical or emotional, abuse is abuse. And she doesn't deserve it, but she may not realize that. The best thing you can do is to encourage her to seek help and pray, pray, pray. Okay, I'm off my pulpit now...
roz, at Wed Apr 05, 08:09:00 AM 2006
I just had this conversation with another friend and he also brought up the "nice guys finish last" philosophy. Ya know what though? They finish. The guys who are hateful and rude and disrespectful and arrogant and selfish never finish. It may seem like it but they don't. And girls know who the nice guys are. We like the nice guys but we also like attention. I think the "a-holes" give more attention cause they think they're the greatest thing to hit the earth since . . . grass, i dunno . . . giving them a false sense of self confidence. Thats just my observation. But good for you for wanting to treat girls well. Your mom did a good job with you.
Anonymous, at Wed Apr 05, 11:04:00 AM 2006
Now this I can answer. No I haven't been in one that I chose-my mother chose the beater not me...I just got beat. But like any "bondage" true freedom is scary. Sometimes you are so consumed with fear that being free brings another fear on top of the fear of the abuser and abuse. Until the person being abused can see with hopeful eyes an end to the suffering and even sometimes develope a plan for having freedom-they'd rather stay.
when I came to the knowledge that such types of freedom from past and present hurts existed it still took a day for me to muster up the strength to get my freedom sorta speak. Not having the pain of the past and in some cases present was quite the agonizing experience of "then what"?-having never really known what it was like to be free from everything. In another situation it took 5 years even though I knew freedom was better.
Your answer to why is "fear"
Fear of the unknown hits us all at some point but if you've been abused the fear is all the more overwhelming..fear of what you don't know...fear that maybe it would be worse.... Only God's love can take that kind of fear away and bring true freedom.
You never know perhaps the same idea could be applied in your own life--can you think of any areas where there may be fear of the "unknown"? Or something in the past that has been the reason for doing the same thing for so long even if you know it's better to face it and move on.
Normally I wouldn't be so clear on the web for everyone to see, but such words could minister to you and/or your readers even if this is an old blog.
Nichole, at Wed Jul 15, 04:19:00 PM 2009
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