Chances are that my employment at this place are not going to happen. More experienced and "qualified" people are ahead of me. But that is okay. I am trusting that God has bigger things for me. A part of me is begining to be worried about if I will find the right job any time soon. A part of me doesn't know what I want. Maybe in a couple of days that path will become clearer. Pray for me.
Everything will work out for the best. It's better than not even trying right? He'll get it taken care of.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
Anonymous, at Wed Jul 12, 11:14:00 PM 2006
I'm sure things will work out in the long run. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Anonymous, at Thu Jul 13, 12:26:00 AM 2006
good luck work-hunting in Ada Potata, the land of opportunity. Things always have this strange way of working out the way they're supposed to. Here's hoping that things happen for you soon.
and since I'm very tired and don't feel like commenting twice, your french toast blog... agreed and agreed. plus I love french toast.
Amy, queen of the world., at Thu Jul 13, 12:44:00 AM 2006
come to town we need to eat. eating takes away the pain.
Anonymous, at Thu Jul 13, 03:36:00 PM 2006
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