CSS Lewis
The work on the new look for The Gingus Chronicles continues... I just wish I knew what I was doing.
I've looked and I've searched and then I've looked even more. ..... "and I still haven't found what I'm lookin' for"..... *think U2*. I know what the look will be, I just have to look at the stupid code to see if I know enough to know how to change some things. And there is the whole getting it ready for the wonderful and magnificant unveiling for the general public... release date not yet available. I know you all were soooooo anxious to know.
In other news...
It's freakin' cold. I just got back from a Bible study and when I went outside to get in my truck to leave, the windshield was frozen over. The streets aren't so bad just yet but it shouldn't take long for them to ice over. I hate this kind of weather.
I remember a few years ago when the big ice storm came here in souther Oklahoma. It was the night of Christmas when the electricity went out. The power didn't come back on until 12 long days after. If it weren't for my grandmothers house, I may have missed OU winning the national championship in football. Our house was one of the last ones to get power back. It sucked. I've never played so much Monopoly in my life. I was so bored I went outside for hours at a time just to chip the ice off of my truck.
I can hear the rain falling, which means that it's going to be opposite of heaven trying to get home. So, I better go.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I've looked and I've searched and then I've looked even more. ..... "and I still haven't found what I'm lookin' for"..... *think U2*. I know what the look will be, I just have to look at the stupid code to see if I know enough to know how to change some things. And there is the whole getting it ready for the wonderful and magnificant unveiling for the general public... release date not yet available. I know you all were soooooo anxious to know.
In other news...
It's freakin' cold. I just got back from a Bible study and when I went outside to get in my truck to leave, the windshield was frozen over. The streets aren't so bad just yet but it shouldn't take long for them to ice over. I hate this kind of weather.
I remember a few years ago when the big ice storm came here in souther Oklahoma. It was the night of Christmas when the electricity went out. The power didn't come back on until 12 long days after. If it weren't for my grandmothers house, I may have missed OU winning the national championship in football. Our house was one of the last ones to get power back. It sucked. I've never played so much Monopoly in my life. I was so bored I went outside for hours at a time just to chip the ice off of my truck.
I can hear the rain falling, which means that it's going to be opposite of heaven trying to get home. So, I better go.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I know what you mean. We didn't have electricity for 7 days! They actually mentioned us in the Daily Oklahoman because there was a stretch south of Fittstown about 5 miles long that the lines were snapped, it was right in front of our house. I hope that never happens again.
I should be asleep right now but I drank about 3 cups of coffee with my dinner. Brisket at Doc's...yummy. That gravy flavored ice cream would have been better than the mashed taters that they had tonight.
Chrissy, at Sat Feb 18, 12:41:00 AM 2006
Hey kent, ronnie here.
Wow, frozen over eh? the worst we had (won't even come close to being as cold as that at your place) is probably the thunderstorms, which is pretty rare, and coincidentally, it would just happen during festive seasons like Chinese New Year or Hari Raya (Malay New Year).. restricted joy. Hmm..
Anyways, just curious, what are you studying now? Finding stuff to talk about since I got to know you :)
Im currently waiting for my results, me finished Form 6 at me school. Gonna go to uni this year, it all depends on my results now. Did Bio, Chem and Maths, and General Papers. What about ya?
Hope you have a blessed day! I'll be prayin for you from now onwards :)
God bless,
P.S. I'm Catholic :) Are you?
mrronnieteo, at Sat Feb 18, 08:03:00 AM 2006
I am making my presence once again. Let's see, I have cabin fever and drank about 3 cups of coffee today. Those things don't mix that well. When I get bored or too cold in my room, I go in the living room or vice versa. My doggie is inside! She gets excited but then I ignore her and everything is normal to her.
Chrissy, at Sun Feb 19, 03:18:00 PM 2006
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