All caps: Punctuation and random symbols
My bitterness rises...
The (enter choice adjetive-explicitive here) "holiday" most refer to as "Valentines Day" has creeped upon me yet again. I like to think of it as "National Singles Awareness Day". It's a conspiracy holiday created by the greeting card and candy industry. This is a day that honors couples, marriages, and love. Who needs it? All you people who are fortunate (or not) to have a significant other, I don't want to hear about how GREAT your Valentine's Day went. Not only am I single, I'm bitter. So hearing about somebody else's grand adventures isn't on my "want-to" list. Especially on Tuesday. I usually can't stand it any other day. So, give me until early March for me to be my usual bitter self. Deal?
My bitterness knows no bounds.
So... the kazoo is cool, right? I'm planning to do a song on the kazoo with a friend or two or seven in a couple of weeks. I still don't know what song or anything... so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I open to almost anything... almost.
I'm thinking about purchasing my own bowling ball. It would be easier because I can get it custom fitted and I won't ever have to go look for one when there are 734 teenie boppers bowling. And most of 'em pick their nose right before they stick their nasty fingers in the holes. I tell you the truth,... I don't want ball fungus.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
The (enter choice adjetive-explicitive here) "holiday" most refer to as "Valentines Day" has creeped upon me yet again. I like to think of it as "National Singles Awareness Day". It's a conspiracy holiday created by the greeting card and candy industry. This is a day that honors couples, marriages, and love. Who needs it? All you people who are fortunate (or not) to have a significant other, I don't want to hear about how GREAT your Valentine's Day went. Not only am I single, I'm bitter. So hearing about somebody else's grand adventures isn't on my "want-to" list. Especially on Tuesday. I usually can't stand it any other day. So, give me until early March for me to be my usual bitter self. Deal?
My bitterness knows no bounds.
So... the kazoo is cool, right? I'm planning to do a song on the kazoo with a friend or two or seven in a couple of weeks. I still don't know what song or anything... so if you have any suggestions, let me know. I open to almost anything... almost.
I'm thinking about purchasing my own bowling ball. It would be easier because I can get it custom fitted and I won't ever have to go look for one when there are 734 teenie boppers bowling. And most of 'em pick their nose right before they stick their nasty fingers in the holes. I tell you the truth,... I don't want ball fungus.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I got over being bitter on this non-special day along time ago. Just think of it as being that day after the 13th and the day before the 15th.
Chrissy, at Tue Feb 14, 03:00:00 PM 2006
That's a good way to look at it. Stupid "holiday"...
Coach K, at Tue Feb 14, 03:20:00 PM 2006
if it makes you feel any better my valentine's day sucked......and i have a significant stop being bitter!!! jk whatever you want to do...
Anonymous, at Tue Feb 14, 08:05:00 PM 2006
LoL No bitterness you got poptarts frm your faaaaavorite (and only) muffin
Anonymous, at Tue Feb 14, 10:48:00 PM 2006
"Ball fungus"... I sure hope you're talking about bowling balls... ew yuck!!!
Anonymous, at Tue Feb 14, 11:13:00 PM 2006
Okay Liz's comment was fabulous! Anyways I say cut the crap and quit being bitter. I mean someone gave you poptarts. How cool is that? And being bitter doesn't get ya anywhere except kind of depressed so go out and do something for yourself, like buy a bowling ball. It doesn't say that Valentine's is about loving or showing love/appreciation to someone else so show it to yourself. Or go to church and show it to God. Hope ya have a wonderful day, now that its not National Singles Awareness Day.
Anonymous, at Wed Feb 15, 10:25:00 AM 2006
I have a similar approach to Valentine's Day, although I usually overcome my bitterness by going to expensive restaurants and then letting the air out of couples' car tires. Try it. It's amazingly soothing. Even better if you can steal their tire jacks.
I was surprised to see another Ada blogger. I kinda figured that I wasn't the only one, but I had never found another blogger from here. BlogOklahoma led me here. Blame them.
And even stranger is that I am connected with Ada First Baptist, also. Well, I pay my tithes there, and that's the important thing, right?
Hope your day is doing better.
SBB, at Wed Feb 15, 12:47:00 PM 2006
sorry we couldn't eat ice cream together and play on the piano. He he! Maybe we need to do a Big 5 rendition of Valentine's Day?????
the rocket, at Wed Feb 15, 05:12:00 PM 2006
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