The Gingus Chronicles

Friday, February 23, 2007

Losing my 20/20 hindsight

A small dream of mine might be fulfilled fairly soon. More to come...

Basketball season at my school is officially over. Today, we lost in regional's. But the good news is that I saved a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico. Just kidding, but we did stay at a Holiday Inn... again, kidding. Yeah, that's getting old. I know. The small consolation to losing is that we got to go eat at a pretty good place. Some guy Jake and something about his rib....

It was sad to see them lose. I was especially sad for the seniors on the team. It was their last game of their career. It made me think about the last game I ever played. Of all places, it was at Regional's at our rival's gym. We had a good lead in the second half of the game only to lose. It was as the buzzer was sounding that I first realized that I'll never play competitive basketball again. I cried even before I made it to the locker room. Sometimes you never realize what you have until it's taken away from you. I didn't appreciate what I was involved with until the time was up.

You live your life and sometimes there will be regrets and mistakes. I look back and think about how I never took advantage of the time I had. Many times I was never aggressive enough and never took a strong leadership position on the team. I look back and think to myself, "What might have been?" I never want to say that again.

Take advantage of life. Put yourself in a position where you'll never have to ask yourself, "What might have been?"

Until next time, vaya con Dios.


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