Finally, some Noodle Balls
Yes, it's finals season. And the best part of finals is the free food and drinks at the U.C.M. And when I saw the Ramen Noodles, I didn't hesitate. Here's me enjoying the satisfying taste of Shrimp flavored noodles:

Finals is also good for other things.... Like Hall Soccer or Hall Frisbee. Or how about a good rousing game of Aqua Balls.... yes... keep laughing.....

But the best thing about finals is that it's the end of the semester. No more studying,... just sleeping....

Finals is also good for other things.... Like Hall Soccer or Hall Frisbee. Or how about a good rousing game of Aqua Balls.... yes... keep laughing.....

But the best thing about finals is that it's the end of the semester. No more studying,... just sleeping....

I'm almost done, two finals to take. One tomorrow night and the other one I have to take online before Friday. I'm almost good to go. But... Until then.....
...Vaya con Dios.
Oh how attractive.
I'm more of the beef flavored kind of girl.
Chrissy, at Tue May 09, 10:05:00 PM 2006
HEY... if you had to choose between being the top scientist in your field or getting mad cow disease, which would you choose?
It goes a little something like this.... once upon a time, Jake and Abby had a blogger, which lead me to Vanessa's blogger, which you commented on, and I'm a "click on people's links and find out who they are" junky... so it lead me to you. I think that's how that went.
So you went to Vanoss, eh? My nieces go there... although they're like... 13, 11, 9, and 5.
Amy, queen of the world., at Tue May 09, 10:42:00 PM 2006
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