Slim to none, and Slim just left town
I'm almost forgetting what the sun looks like... I've read books... and I've seen pictures about it, but the memory is fading.
It rained most of yesterday, and it is cloudy today. Tonight, there is a 60% chance of rain. However, their is only a 0.000000000003% chance that I'll have a conversation with a female who favors me.... so you're telling me there's a chance?! Yeah!
And speaking of relationships... I'm afraid of myself. What I mean is I'm afraid that if and when (A BIG 'if' and 'when') I do meet a girl that wants to date me, then I'll be more likely to date her for the sake of dating. You know how when a person is starving, and when somebody offers them food that doesn't look good? The starving person will take it because at least it's something. If I see a girl that wants to date me and I know deep in my heart that it is something that I shouldn't be doing, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to decline. I know that gets a lot of people in trouble. And I would like to say that I wouldn't settle for "anything". But, I'm not in that situation right now. I don't know. I just need to listen... to my heart and to my God. I'm an idiot.... stupid..... "I" don't know any better....
I hate it when a girl leads people on. Do they do it for attention or is it because it is simply the way they are? Surely they are aware of what they are doing... right? Their flirtiness not only hurts me but it hurts my friends as well. I really respected this person too.... now I'm not so sure. I even liked her,... however, when she showed much attention to others, I felt like I was almost nothing. I am not better than anybody, but she made me feel like somebody... sometimes. She probably has no idea about all of this... and that's more than okay. I want to be done with it. Moving on...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
It rained most of yesterday, and it is cloudy today. Tonight, there is a 60% chance of rain. However, their is only a 0.000000000003% chance that I'll have a conversation with a female who favors me.... so you're telling me there's a chance?! Yeah!
And speaking of relationships... I'm afraid of myself. What I mean is I'm afraid that if and when (A BIG 'if' and 'when') I do meet a girl that wants to date me, then I'll be more likely to date her for the sake of dating. You know how when a person is starving, and when somebody offers them food that doesn't look good? The starving person will take it because at least it's something. If I see a girl that wants to date me and I know deep in my heart that it is something that I shouldn't be doing, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to decline. I know that gets a lot of people in trouble. And I would like to say that I wouldn't settle for "anything". But, I'm not in that situation right now. I don't know. I just need to listen... to my heart and to my God. I'm an idiot.... stupid..... "I" don't know any better....
I hate it when a girl leads people on. Do they do it for attention or is it because it is simply the way they are? Surely they are aware of what they are doing... right? Their flirtiness not only hurts me but it hurts my friends as well. I really respected this person too.... now I'm not so sure. I even liked her,... however, when she showed much attention to others, I felt like I was almost nothing. I am not better than anybody, but she made me feel like somebody... sometimes. She probably has no idea about all of this... and that's more than okay. I want to be done with it. Moving on...
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
yeah just make sure you are actually on a date though. Remember on the cartoons when the guys were starving and they'd think that they turned into food. So don't be talking to a guy and start thinking he is an attractive girl who likes you. ha ha!
the rocket, at Mon May 08, 11:18:00 AM 2006
Okay, here's the deal. I don't know you, but I saw your blog on someone else's blog... and you know how that goes. Anyway, I happen to be of the female persuasion and I happen to know that sometimes my sisters from other misters DO run hard-to-get games. But not all of us. Some of us chicks are extremely shy and even might avoid contact or conversation with a guy for lack of anything of substance to say. I know I used to do that. So, check out the shy sisters.... sometimes you look at something but never really see it. And again, I don't know you from Adam, but I'm willing to bet that you're smart enough to know if you're in a relationship for the right reason when it happens.
Amy, queen of the world., at Mon May 08, 11:50:00 PM 2006
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