Kleenex, I love you

Ode to Kleenex
They help you when you cry and when you are sick. They are there when you cry tears of joy and also when you spill something, cleening the mess you left behind. It's like a best friend.
So, I love you Kleenex for when you have been there for me. You catch my snot all day. Who else would do that? I will tell you who.... my other best friend... and his initials are T.P. Mr. TP catches my crap all day and he still is there for me. You are at your best when you are quilted and more than single plied. Yes, you stink sometimes, but that's okay.
Kleenex and TP. You never turn away. Kleenex and TP. You make me have a brighter day.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
shouldn't you be working
be at the health clinic before 4:30 on thursday for your shot!!!!
Scott, at Wed May 10, 02:33:00 PM 2006
Just for future reference, it's a k not a c. Kleenex. Have a good one.
Anonymous, at Thu May 11, 01:09:00 AM 2006
Yah! I was going to say something earlier, but I couldn't remember my Blogger PASSWORD!! AAHH!!! hahaha
Anonymous, at Thu May 11, 01:30:00 AM 2006
I used to have a cousin that said 'Klen-ex', I guess that's Okie for you.
Chrissy, at Thu May 11, 01:45:00 PM 2006
that's some ginormous tp
Amy, queen of the world., at Thu May 11, 09:00:00 PM 2006
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