How bad were music videos in the 80s? Even the early 90s. When did videos really start becoming good? Or is there any point in history where we can say that music videos started "getting with it"? Most of the videos today are nothing but YouTube porn flicks.
When music executives go into a meeting to discuss how to do a video, what ideas do they throw out there?
Exec #1: "So, guys, what do we want to do with the hot new single titled,
'Uh huh, I Would Like to Make Unacceptable Sexual Advances."
Exec #2: "Let's do what we always do: Get some chicks. Make them wear scantly clad shoelaces and spray water on them while random guys feel 'em up. Heck, let's even let some random curious bisexuals experiment with each other while we are at it. And the "dancing"? Well, you know how I hate to use that term in my music videos.... But, the bump and grind seems to work well every time."
Exec #1: "That's gold, Jerry.... Gold!"
I suppose they have given up on making anything worth watching. There are a FEW exceptions, however. Maybe this is one of the reasons why MTV or VH1 never shows music anymore. There's nothing worth watching. Imagine that..... music on music channels. At least CMT has SOME music on there. I don't like country music but at least they are somewhat holding true to their roots (roots: not with the music itself, just with the programming).
What do you think?