When The Tears Fall: A Farewell To Ed.
As some of you may or may not know, Ed is saying "see ya later" to the great state of Oklahoma. He's going back to ..... ugh.... Texas. Going back to his hometown. It is for a reason that is not his fault, nor do I blame him for making such a decision for leaving. Ed, I would probably do the same if I were in your shoes. I'm sure you'll tell everybody why you're leaving so I'll leave that up to you in your blog. I don't want to take the glory away from ya! If anybody does....
Ed, you've been one of my best friends and you still are one of my best friends. I can actually say you are my favorite Catholic. And my favorite non-fluent spanish speaking hispanic descended person. Whew... that was hard to say... or type for that matter. You've made me laugh so many times I think it is absolutely impossible to repay you for that. You've been one of the very few people I could actually say ANYTHING to. I would never be afraid of saying something to you and you would think differently of me. You know my faults and you are still my friend. That says something. I really appreciate the times that you've listened to me, ate ice cream with me, watched cheaters with me, and even tag-teamed blogged. You gave me a special friendship that I've always wanted(I hope that didn't sound gay, which, it did.... not that there is anything wrong with that) in a friend. Someone I can trust and count on for anything. When I asked you for advice, you gave it to me (in your own unique way... j/k). When I needed someone to vent to, I could always go to you. Heck, you rememer when we both applied to The Home Depot online? And the computer knocked me off the internet? Yeah, I'm sure you remember.
I know I've already told you this, but, IF and WHEN (that's a big IF and WHEN) I get married, I'm pencilling you in as one of my best men (I can't have just one). Ed, I don't know what I would have done this summer if you weren't around. I would have been bored to tears. Honestly. We probably wouldn't have become as good as friends as we have. I don't know of any day during this summer that we haven't spoken or communicated with each other. And that's not really counting the few days when you went home on July 4 (your phone wouldn't work or something down there). I can honestly say I've never had a friend who could read each other so quickly. I know a lot of people can attest to this (and became sick of us doing that in the process). We would say so many Seinfeld lines I'm sure people hated us for it. You know, stuff like:
-"Not that there is anything wrong with that. "
-"No, of course not. A person's sexual preference is nobody's business but their own."
-"But I don't want to be a pirate!"
-"Jerry! You are not a man!'
-"I don't even know what's going on with the papayas?"
-"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to fill the freezer with my own blood."
-"Now if you'll excuse us, we have to get to bed."
See? I'm making everyone reading this sick! Sorry. Ed, hopefull you enjoyed that and the MILLIONS of times we've quoted those lines and many etc's. But Ed, I've enjoyed all the times we've spent in just a short time.
How about the "best back men of all time" series of jokes? Ed, I can imagine you'll be 85 years old and somebody innocently says something that says "back" and "men" in the same sentence. You will probably pee all over yourself from laughing so much. It's not far fetched. You pretty much do that already when you say that joke. How about the Triumph the Insult Comic Dog jokes. Every other day we would pick a different joke from that DVD and say that is our favorite thing. Everything from "poor hawaii" to "oh, what is this? A Jesus thing?". We've had some good times. Maybe you moving back home will put an end to us dating the same girl. Who knows.....?
We love ya man. We are going to miss having you around. I know you weren't going to be here forever man, but it sucks that you have to leave. But this is probably all part of God's plan for you and for us. You will probably go back home, meet a girl, fall in love, get married, find a terrific job, have kids and lead a wonderful life. I just hope you don't forget your many friends (meaning more than one friend) up here in Oklahoma. You will always be a part of me and the U.C.M. Words can't express how good a friend you've been to me. I appreciate everything you did for me. I love ya man.
I know this isn't "goodbye".... but "see you later." Cause .... You know...... if we don't see each other again here on this earth then..........
Until next time, brother, vaya con Dios.
"Friends will be friends, when you're in need of love they give you care and attention.
Friends will be friends, when you're through with life and all hope is lost,
hold out your hand, cause friends will be friends...
Right 'til the end."