Saturday, January 27, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wow... January is almost over.
It's now been 11 months since my last soda. There has been many times where I would think about just having one. One wouldn't hurt, right? Wrong. I'm proud of being "sober" for this long. My goal is to never have one for as long as I live. I made this decision last February because I decided that I needed to make a healthy choice for once. The bad habit of drinking pop was something I felt like I needed to eliminate from my life.
3 games left. That's all I have left now on the schedule. One game isn't going to be rescheduled. I have one next Monday and the following two Thursdays. That's it. I added two new things on offense today. I'm not sure how effective it's going to be.
This has been a huge learning experience for me. I am now much more capable, in my opinion, to coach. Next year they are looking to make me the high school assistant, 9th grade coach and junior varsity coach. That as well as junior high coach and math. Sounds like a full schedule, but it's not that much more. It's something that I am looking forward to. I would like that much more than my current schedule.
I discovered that some of my students/basketball girls are discovering that I have a myspace account. Is it really that out of the ordinary? I know myspace gets a bad reputation for attracting weirdo's and freaks, but does that mean that it's weird that I have one too? I'm not a freak but I am occassionaly a weirdo... just not in a creepy way. It's the good weird... I promise.
I sometimes wonder if they think that I'm this "old" guy, incapable of understanding anything on their level. Which, I don't most of the time. I mean, this is junior high girls I'm talking about here. Who knows what goes on in their mind?
The best way to add insult to injury is by writing bad things on someone's cast.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
It's now been 11 months since my last soda. There has been many times where I would think about just having one. One wouldn't hurt, right? Wrong. I'm proud of being "sober" for this long. My goal is to never have one for as long as I live. I made this decision last February because I decided that I needed to make a healthy choice for once. The bad habit of drinking pop was something I felt like I needed to eliminate from my life.
3 games left. That's all I have left now on the schedule. One game isn't going to be rescheduled. I have one next Monday and the following two Thursdays. That's it. I added two new things on offense today. I'm not sure how effective it's going to be.
This has been a huge learning experience for me. I am now much more capable, in my opinion, to coach. Next year they are looking to make me the high school assistant, 9th grade coach and junior varsity coach. That as well as junior high coach and math. Sounds like a full schedule, but it's not that much more. It's something that I am looking forward to. I would like that much more than my current schedule.
I discovered that some of my students/basketball girls are discovering that I have a myspace account. Is it really that out of the ordinary? I know myspace gets a bad reputation for attracting weirdo's and freaks, but does that mean that it's weird that I have one too? I'm not a freak but I am occassionaly a weirdo... just not in a creepy way. It's the good weird... I promise.
I sometimes wonder if they think that I'm this "old" guy, incapable of understanding anything on their level. Which, I don't most of the time. I mean, this is junior high girls I'm talking about here. Who knows what goes on in their mind?
The best way to add insult to injury is by writing bad things on someone's cast.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
New business or Why I was late getting to Chili's
I realized I haven't posted any pictures in a long time, so, here is my chance.
Ada has a new department store. I thought about going in, but I didn't have any 1-dollar bills.

Thursday, January 18, 2007
I sit at home still, bored. We haven't had school at all this week. It's nice in a way but the bad thing is that we have to make up all of these days. And with more winter weather coming in this weekend, we might end up having school through June. I bend the truth a little.... I hope.
So, what have I done to entertain myself this week? Well, thank God I have that Playstation 3 to keep me company. I also have cats to kick around (not really "kick"). I also have a wonderful thing called "da internet".
I just got on this myspaceIM thing which has helped me become more of a nerd. I like it better than yahoo messenger, though. But what else am I going to do due in the frozen tundra of southern Oklahoma? I guess I could run really fast and slide down a hill. But that would require getting dressed and going outside. Well, I guess clothes aren't technically necessary. You know, they should make a slip-n-slide for the winter months. Ice-n-slide. Yes.... then later it will be known as Ice-n-bleed.
The good thing about getting injured on ice is that when you need to put something on it to keep the swelling down, you already have all the ice you need. Problem solved. So, if you are going to fall and injure yourself, do it on the ice. It's only smart.
All of my basketball games for this week have been postponed. As long as I can remember, this is the longest period of time that school has been cancelled due to weather... or for anything for that matter. Classes last Friday were cut an hour and a half short and all of this week were cancelled. And there is a good chance that next Monday (or further) will be cancelled as well. Sigh........
It's now been two weeks since I last talked to you...
I know she's out there,... she's out there somewhere. I'll run... I'll crawl... I'll break down every wall.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I sit at home still, bored. We haven't had school at all this week. It's nice in a way but the bad thing is that we have to make up all of these days. And with more winter weather coming in this weekend, we might end up having school through June. I bend the truth a little.... I hope.
So, what have I done to entertain myself this week? Well, thank God I have that Playstation 3 to keep me company. I also have cats to kick around (not really "kick"). I also have a wonderful thing called "da internet".
I just got on this myspaceIM thing which has helped me become more of a nerd. I like it better than yahoo messenger, though. But what else am I going to do due in the frozen tundra of southern Oklahoma? I guess I could run really fast and slide down a hill. But that would require getting dressed and going outside. Well, I guess clothes aren't technically necessary. You know, they should make a slip-n-slide for the winter months. Ice-n-slide. Yes.... then later it will be known as Ice-n-bleed.
The good thing about getting injured on ice is that when you need to put something on it to keep the swelling down, you already have all the ice you need. Problem solved. So, if you are going to fall and injure yourself, do it on the ice. It's only smart.
All of my basketball games for this week have been postponed. As long as I can remember, this is the longest period of time that school has been cancelled due to weather... or for anything for that matter. Classes last Friday were cut an hour and a half short and all of this week were cancelled. And there is a good chance that next Monday (or further) will be cancelled as well. Sigh........
It's now been two weeks since I last talked to you...
I know she's out there,... she's out there somewhere. I'll run... I'll crawl... I'll break down every wall.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The cold kind of ice
I realized that I haven't posted at all this year. So, here is the first post of 2007.
I am at home wondering when, not if, the electricity will go out. You see, we are getting what you would call "bad weather". In Oklahoma, we don't get snow. We get ice. Wonderful, cold, wet, icey ice. It's pretty much our winter.
So, to pass the time, I'm watching season 1 of Lost. I've watched it dozens of times, but I'm just going through it again. I usually like to watch something at night for me to fall asleep to. Some people read a book or do whatever. I watch DVDs.
Also, since I recently bought a Playstation 3, I've been playing a few video games. Yes, I'm 25. And yes, I occassionaly play video games. So sue me. It will come in handy this weekend, as long as I still have electricity.
Yesterday at school/work, we got out a little earlier than normal due to the weather. In fact, we were supposed to have a basketball game at Wayne but it got cancelled, again, due to the weather. We did leave to go there but we were almost there when we got a call from the host school's principal saying that the other team already headed back. No game. By the time we got back it was time for lunch. After lunch is my prep hour, and after that it is time to go. So, I really only had two hours of work. So, it was a long, short day.
#23... I will wait for you. You are still my princess.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.
I am at home wondering when, not if, the electricity will go out. You see, we are getting what you would call "bad weather". In Oklahoma, we don't get snow. We get ice. Wonderful, cold, wet, icey ice. It's pretty much our winter.
So, to pass the time, I'm watching season 1 of Lost. I've watched it dozens of times, but I'm just going through it again. I usually like to watch something at night for me to fall asleep to. Some people read a book or do whatever. I watch DVDs.
Also, since I recently bought a Playstation 3, I've been playing a few video games. Yes, I'm 25. And yes, I occassionaly play video games. So sue me. It will come in handy this weekend, as long as I still have electricity.
Yesterday at school/work, we got out a little earlier than normal due to the weather. In fact, we were supposed to have a basketball game at Wayne but it got cancelled, again, due to the weather. We did leave to go there but we were almost there when we got a call from the host school's principal saying that the other team already headed back. No game. By the time we got back it was time for lunch. After lunch is my prep hour, and after that it is time to go. So, I really only had two hours of work. So, it was a long, short day.
#23... I will wait for you. You are still my princess.
Until next time, vaya con Dios.